We are seeking nominations for 1 patient member for the Canadian Drug Expert Committee (CDEC). As part of the organization’s Reimbursement Review process, CDEC makes reimbursement recommendations for non-oncology pharmaceuticals to the participating federal, provincial, and territorial publicly funded drug plans. It also makes recommendations related to the identification, evaluation, and promotion of optimal drug prescribing and use in Canada.
If you have significant experience working in health care systems in Canada, are knowledgeable on the topic of health technology assessment, are interested in helping support health care decision-makers in making informed choices about health technologies, and are passionate about ensuring that the health care systems in Canada are the best they can be, we encourage you to submit a nomination.
We seek to maintain expert and advisory committees composed of talented and dedicated individuals with diverse perspectives, skills, and backgrounds, and recognize that experience may be gained through a combination of activities, including — but not limited to — employment, volunteering, community engagement, and advocacy work.

Qualifications and Eligibility

The CDEC patient member represents the patient interest and has experience as a patient or caregiver and demonstrated interest in issues related to health care at the community, regional, or national level, and ideally has some experience working with committees.
We are particularly interested in hearing from candidates who have experience as a patient or caregiver in the health care systems within Atlantic Canada.
The patient member is a full member of CDEC with the same responsibilities and expectations, and subject to the same terms and conditions, as all other members.
For more detailed information on qualifications and eligibility, please review the CDEC Member Role Description.
Time Commitment

Nominees should be aware that there is a time commitment of up to 4 to 5 days per month. This includes preparing for and participating in CDEC meetings that are held 12 times per year (on a once-monthly basis), either virtually or in person in Ottawa. Up to 4 meetings per year are held in person.
Refer to the CDEC meeting schedule.

Term of Appointment
CDEC members are appointed for a term of 3 years. Terms may be renewed once at the discretion of the President and CEO.

Who Can Submit a Nomination?

Individuals from federal, provincial, and territorial jurisdictions, and relevant bodies that represent health and allied health professionals, and members of the general public may submit a nomination.
If you have the qualifications we seek, we invite you to submit a nomination.
Nomination Information
The following materials should be reviewed when considering or preparing the nomination:

Canadian Drug Expert Committee Terms of Reference
Read more about Canadian Drug Expert Committee Terms of Reference
Canadian Drug Expert Committee Member Role Description
Read more about Canadian Drug Expert Committee Member Role Description
Conflict of Interest Policy
Read more about Conflict of Interest Policy
Statement of Interest and Qualifications – Patient Member
Read more about Statement of Interest and Qualifications – Patient Member
Nomination Form
Read more about Nomination Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Read more about Frequently Asked Questions Submission Checklist

The following materials must be submitted in support of CDEC nominations:
- a completed nomination form (complete online)
- a completed Statement of Interest and Qualifications
- the nominee’s curriculum vitae (documents may be provided in either Microsoft Word [.doc/.docx] or Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format).
All materials must be submitted through our online form.
Please note: You cannot save the nomination form part-way through the process. The form will not time out as long as the internet browser remains open. Please ensure you have completed all the required materials and are ready to submit them before you begin filling in the nomination form.

Nomination Process
Nominations must be submitted through our online form no later than 6:00 p.m. ET on Monday, March 31, 2025.
Upon submission, a message will display on your screen to confirm your nomination has been submitted. Please note that nominees will not receive an email confirmation.
While we thank all nominees for their interest, only those under further consideration in the process will be contacted personally. Candidates who are invited to an interview will be required to complete a conflict of interest declaration form.

Additional Information

To request materials in an accessible format, please contact us at [email protected].
We provide accommodations during all phases of the recruitment process. If you require any accommodation or have any questions, please contact Arni Ahronson, Vice-President, People and Culture ([email protected]).
Please note: Successful candidates will be required to complete a confidential verification check, including criminal, employment, and educational verifications, as a condition of engagement with our expert or advisory committees.