Last Updated : September 28, 2023
To ensure a smooth and efficient process, it is important that sponsors pay careful attention to CDA-AMC documentation. As documentation posted to the CDA-AMC website is subject to change, please access this content as it is needed instead of downloading and archiving it. It is important to read the following documents in conjunction with the Pharmaceutical Reviews Update, which communicates updates to procedures and general program developments. To receive new issues of the Pharmaceutical Reviews Update, please subscribe to the Weekly Summary email.
The Procedures for Reimbursement Reviews details the process to be followed by all participants involved in a drug reimbursement review, and provides guidance to sponsors in the preparation of their applications.
CDA-AMC has a fee structure that applies to its drug reimbursement review processes, please consult the Fee Schedule for Pharmaceutical Reviews for complete details
The following templates are to be used by sponsors throughout the reimbursement review process:
Pharmaceutical submission SharePoint access request form
Pre-submission meeting request form
Pre-submission meeting briefing paper template
Proposed place in therapy template
Evidence presentation meeting briefing paper template
Pipeline meeting briefing paper template
Reimbursement status of comparators template
Regulatory and HTA status template
Letter for sending finalized indication template
Checklist for economic requirements
Implementation plan for a cell or gene therapy
Sponsor summary of clinical evidence template
PACES tailored review submission template
Product variation tailored review submission template
Clinician group input template
Industry input template (non-sponsored reimbursement reviews)
Input on implementation advice request
Input on scope of a provisional funding algorithm
Sponsor comments on draft reports template
Feedback on draft recommendation
Reconsideration request template
Feedback on a draft provisional funding algorithm
Feedback on draft implementation advice
Identification of confidential information template