Standard Scientific Advice Process

Standard Timeline
 1  Submit Application
4 weeks prior to the Briefing Book

1. Application

1.1  Submit online application four (4) weeks prior to Briefing Book submission.
1.2  The application is assessed for eligibility.
1.3  If eligible, the applicant receives confirmation of acceptance and the first invoice.

 2  Submit Briefing Book
14 weeks prior to the Scientific Advice meeting

2.  Briefing Book

2.1  Submit Briefing Book 14 weeks prior to Scientific Advice Meeting
2.2  The applicant receives the Briefing Book clarification questions.
2.3  The applicant receives the second invoice six (6) weeks prior to the Scientific Advice Meeting.

 3  Attend Scientific Advice Meeting
3.  Scientific Advice Meeting
This is a three (3)-hour face-to-face meeting where we discuss the advice with the applicant based on the questions submitted in the Briefing Book.
 4  Receive Record of Scientific Advice
4 weeks after the Scientific Advice meeting

4.  Record of Scientific Advice (ROSA)

4.1  The applicant receives the written ROSA four (4) weeks after the Scientific Advice Meeting.
4.2  The applicant submits ROSA clarification questions (optional).
4.3  The applicant receives the final invoice.

Please contact [email protected] for more information or if you require alternate timelines. 

Please see more information on the Scientific Advice process.