Post-Market Drug Evaluation Advisory Committee

PMDE Industry Task Force (September 2023 – April 2024)

In September 2023, we established a time-limited task force to identify opportunities and barriers for using industry real-world evidence (RWE) in our Post-Market Drug Evaluation (PMDE) Program. The task force builds upon the recently released Guidance for Reporting Real-World Evidence.  

The task force represents a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry, Canada’s Drug Agency, and Health Canada. Its goal was to formally explore sharing industry-sponsored RWE with our Post-Market Drug Evaluation (PMDE) Program. The task force provided a forum for constructive dialogue about how to effectively operationalize access to and use of industry-sponsored RWE and demonstrates an innovative approach to improving access to data in Canada. Over the course of 4 meetings, the task force examined issues related to evidence sharing such as scope, ownership, transparency, operational requirements, privacy, process, and collaboration.  

Summary Report  

The Industry Task Force developed a summary report that proposes key actions to enable the use of industry-sponsored RWE to improve our understanding of the safety and effectiveness of treatments.  

The report, published in August 2024, emphasizes early engagement between manufacturers and Canada’s Drug Agency to reduce delays in accessing data and better anticipate future needs. The report also provides a rationale for, and suggests who should lead, proposed actions that can help to facilitate the use of industry-sponsored RWE. 

The summary report does not represent an approved plan, but it will inform the PMDE Program and its Advisory Committee. Our aim is to incorporate some of the proposed actions into the current PMDE query process before the end of the year. 


Report Brief: Industry Task Force Summary Report  



Don Husereau Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Professor,
School of Epidemiology and Public Health,
University of Ottawa
Industry Representatives Health Canada
Véronique Gaudet Senior Manager, Real-World Evidence, Bausch Health, Canada Inc. Kelly Robinson Director General, Marketed Health Products Directorate, Health Canada
Virginie Giroux (Industry Lead) Director, Health Economic and Outcomes Research, Merck CDA-ACM Representatives
Jennifer Glass RWE Lead Canada, Eli Lilly Tarry Ahuja (CDA-AMC Lead) Director, Post-Market Drug Evaluation
Nikolas Goyert-Stephens  Senior Manager, Market Access, Biogen Nadine Sulatycky Manager, Post-Market Drug Evaluation
Jason Lee  Head of Market Access and Stakeholder Relations, Amylyx David Stock Scientific Advisor, Post-Market Drug Evaluation
Maria Luckevich  Health Economics Associate Director, Novo Nordisk Brendan McIntosh Senior Drug Program Advisor, Pharmaceutical Reviews
Kevin Pollock Director of Real-World Evidence, International Markets, Bristol Myers Squibb Farah Husein Director, Science and Methods
Subra Seshadri Manager Access for Anti-Virals and Hospital Business, Pfizer Heather Logan Vice-President, Strategic Relationship Initiatives
Jefferson Tea Vice-President Medical and Scientific Affairs, Takeda Trish Caetano Director, Drug Data Services and Analytics
Jennifer Wu Health Data Strategy Lead, Roche Peter Dyrda Director, Pharmaceutical Policy and HTA
David Shum Director, Strategic Access and Pricing, Roche (meeting 4) ----------- ----------

Meeting Schedule 

The task force met monthly initially for 6 months: 

  • Meeting 1: September 26, 2023  
  • Meeting 2: October 24, 2023  
  • Meeting 3: November 28, 2023  
  • Meeting 4: January 16, 2024 
  • Meeting 5: March 26, 2024  

Meeting Summaries 

Meeting summaries for meetings 1 to 4 are available. Meeting 5 was used to co-create the summary report.