About Us

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest is a situation in which personal, occupational, or financial considerations — either direct or indirect — may affect, or appear to affect, the objectivity or fairness of an employee, panel, or committee member, or contractor. A conflict of interest may be real, potential, or perceived in nature. In order to maintain the objectivity necessary to deliver on its mission, we have developed a conflict of interest policy for its Board of Directors, employees, committee and panel members, and contractors.

Permanent and term employees must comply with our conflict of interest guidelines and disclose any conflicts, both at the start of employment and as conflicts arise. The guidelines document for employees is available here.

All committee or panel members and contractors must also comply with our conflict of interest policy and complete the disclosure form annually before participating in our activities, and as conflicts arise. The guidelines document for committee and panel members is available here. The guidelines document for contractors is available here.

The disclosure of information related to relevant personal, occupational, professional, and financial relationships or interests ensures that conflicts of interest are appropriately identified and managed, thus preserving the integrity of our products and services.