Last Updated : November 6, 2023
Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Technology Review
Project Number:
Expected finish date:
Pain is one of the most common and most distressing symptoms for adults and children with cancer. For some patients, commonly available medications and delivery routes do not provide enough pain control or cause undesirable side effects at high doses.
Intrathecal drug delivery systems (IDDSs) directly infuse pain medication into the fluid-filled space around the spinal cord, called the intrathecal space. Pain medication is stored in a pump implanted under the skin and is delivered to the intrathecal space by a catheter. This method allows for more rapid and effective pain relief. It also requires much lower doses of medication, which may reduce side effects.
Canada's Drug Agency contributed to a collaborative Health Technology Assessment with Ontario Health to support decision-making on the funding of IDDSs to support the management of cancer pain in adults and children.
The Health Technology Assessment report is now available on the Ontario Health’s website."
Last Updated : November 6, 2023