Submit a Drug for CDR Review

CADTH Collaborative Workspaces

All materials must adhere to the content, format, and organization specified in the Procedure and Submission Guidelines for the CADTH Common Drug Review and all applicable CADTH Pharmaceutical Review Updates.

To submit and contribute drug review information you must be registered with the CADTH Collaborative Workspaces. If you are a sponsor or designated consultant who intends to file a CDR application you may register by submitting completing the Registration Form.

If you have already registered, you may log in.


Before submitting to the CADTH, sponsors or designated consultants must be registered with CDR. This will provide access to a secure submit and contribute page and enable the electronic delivery of documents to CADTH.

Register for:

Already Registered?


Request additional program access

If you have an existing account for one drug program but require access for another drug program you must request additional access in order for CADTH to grant additional permissions.


If you are a sponsor or designated consultant, you may file your CDR submission or submit additional information here.
