Last Updated : January 18, 2025
Marney Paradis is the Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Yukon and a Doctor of Education candidate at the University of British Columbia, where her philosophical inquiry focuses on the intersection of anti-oppressive, community-based, and spiritual support systems within frameworks of health advocacy.
Marney has a son who lives with type 1 diabetes and she is the President of Yukon T1D Support Network — a non-profit group she helped found to provide education, advocacy, and support to people in Yukon with type 1 diabetes.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure — Marney Paradis
Zal Press is the Executive Director of Patient Commando, an organization dedicated to lifting the veil of silence that so often accompanies the onset of illness. He was the founding co-Chair of The Beryl Institute Global Patient and Family Advisory Council, which works to ensure that the voices of patients and families are a central consideration in the strategic direction and offerings of the Institute.
Zal has lived with Crohn disease for more than 38 years. He is passionate about illustrating the need for improved health care policy and delivery by sharing stories that enrich our appreciation of the lived illness experience.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure — Zal Press
Mary Reeves is a retired education administrator and mediator, and an active volunteer in her community. She is a founding member of the Grand Bay-Westfield Age Friendly Communities Committee, and a past Board member of the Sophia Recovery Centre — a support centre for women recovering from addictions.
Mary lives with osteoarthritis and vision impairment, and is aware of the challenges of staying independent as she and her husband age.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure — Mary Reeves
Jonah Dupuis is a community pharmacist in Northwestern Ontario who has previously served as a councillor on Nipigon's Town Council and as the Director of Pharmacy at the Nipigon District Memorial Hospital.
Jonah is a proud member of the Anishinabek Nation and currently works in a travelling health team that delivers primary health care directly to First Nations communities. He is also a caregiver for his son who lives with a rare genetic condition.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure — Jonah Dupuis
Marlee McGuire is a medical anthropologist and a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, where her research focuses on the politics of rare diseases though multi-stakeholder perspectives, including patient and public payer perspectives.
Marlee has navigated systems around addiction and chronic conditions as a family member.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure — Marlee McGuire
Lilian Hulme-Smith is a retired public servant, who spent the bulk of her career in social and supportive housing administration and risk management. She is a member of the Mackenzie Health Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital Patient Advisory Committee and Medication Safety Committee, as well as a patient advisor at the Central Local Health Integration Network.
Lilian lives with primary-progressive multiple sclerosis.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure — Lilian Hulme-Smith
Sarah Sandusky is dedicated to community wellness. As Merritt Chapter Coordinator for the Rural and Remote Division of Family Practice, she collaborates with local physicians to drive innovation in improving access to sustainable health care. She has held leadership roles as a fundraising and communications strategist with the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation in Vancouver, Street League in the UK, British Columbia Civil Liberties Association in Vancouver, and Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth in Toronto.
As a current board member of Pain BC, Sarah provides guidance on strategies that impact pain management programs because she has experienced the impact of chronic pain herself — both personally and professionally.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure — Sarah Sandusky
David McMullen is a retired engineer and manager with Ontario Power Generation.
David has been a multiple myeloma patient since 2012. He is very active with Myeloma Canada, contributing to its objectives of patient and caregiver education and support, research, access to treatments, and awareness. David was the founding Chair of the Myeloma Canada Patient Advisory Council. He has leadership and advisory roles in several myeloma patient support groups. He is also a patient representative in the Canadian Cancer Trials Group.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure — David McMullen
Paula Orecklin is a disability advocate who shares her experiences living with a disability with youth as a Rick Hansen Foundation Ambassador. She is also a patient and family advisor with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.
Paula lives with chronic pain and is involved in the DAWN‒DisAbled Women’s Network and the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities.