
Health Technology Review

A Health Technology Review is a customized review of a health technology. It may consist of one, or a combination, of the following: an environmental scan, a rapid review, a clinical review, a pharmacoeconomic review, and a review of patient perspectives, and it may also include the legal, ethical, social, implementation, environmental, and policy implications of the health technology. Appropriate use recommendations are provided where applicable.


Health Technology Review Reports

Horizon Scan

A Horizon Scan is a high-level summary of a new or emerging health technology likely to have a significant impact on the delivery of health care in Canada. 


Horizon Scan Reports

Reimbursement Review

Our Reimbursement Reviews are comprehensive assessments of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, as well as patient and clinician perspectives, of a drug or drug class.  


Reimbursement Review Reports

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Projects in Progress

Projects listed as “in progress” are at various stages and points of completion. These projects include products offered by our programs, including Rapid Response Reports, Environmental Scans, Health Technology Assessments, Optimal Use Reports, and Therapeutic Reviews. These products have different processes and timelines; therefore, the timing of posting of the final reports varies.  

The “Projects in Progress” page on the our website is updated on a seven- to eight-day cycle. Please be advised that there may be overlap between when a new report is posted online and when the section is updated.  


Projects in Progress