Provide Input

Patient Input and Feedback

Canada’s Drug Agency seeks patients’ perspectives to improve the relevance and quality of our reviews. Also, to enable those possibly affected by the reviews to have an opportunity to contribute to them. For reimbursement reviews and provisional funding algorithms, we invite patient groups to contribute relevant input and feedback.

Reimbursement Reviews

Steps for Providing Patient Input

To seek public reimbursement for a drug, a pharmaceutical company applies to Canada’s Drug Agency . We issue an open call for patient input. We send out notifications for these open calls every Thursday, through our Weekly Summary email newsletter. Calls for patient input are also highlighted on the open calls page of our website.

To participate:

  • Review the Guidance for Providing Patient Input for information about the type of input we are requesting and how it will be incorporated into the reimbursement review process.
  • Download the Patient Input Template
  • Complete the template by the deadline given on the Open Calls page.
  • Send the completed template by using the Submit link next to the drug, plasma product, or cell and gene therapy listed on the Open Calls page.

Steps for Providing Feedback on Draft Recommendations

Following our review and the expert committee deliberations, draft reimbursement recommendations are shared for feedback. New draft recommendations and open calls for feedback are highlighted in the Weekly Summary email newsletter.

To participate:

Provisional Funding Algorithms for Oncology Drugs

Steps for Providing Patient Input

We issue a call for stakeholder input for all provisional funding algorithm projects. Open calls for input are highlighted in the Weekly Summary email newsletter.

To provide initial input at the outset of the provisional funding algorithm project:

  • Locate the webpage for provisional algorithm project of interest from the Weekly Summary or the list of current opportunities for input and feedback.
  • Review the proposed project scope for the provisional algorithm.
  • Download the input template.
  • Complete the template by the deadline specified on the project webpage.
  • Send the completed template by clicking Submit Feedback on the project webpage.
  • Steps for Providing Feedback

We issue a call for feedback on all draft provisional funding algorithms. Open calls for feedback are highlighted in the Weekly Summary.

To provide feedback on a draft provisional funding algorithm:

  • Locate the webpage for provisional algorithm project of interest from the Weekly Summary or the list of current opportunities for input and feedback.
  • Review the draft provisional funding algorithm report.
  • Download the feedback template.
  • Complete the template by the deadline specified on the project webpage.
  • Send the completed template by clicking Submit Feedback on the project webpage.

Questions and Comments

If you have questions or need help to participate, please contact [email protected] or call us at 1 866 988 1444.
To learn more about our reimbursement review process, you can to the Procedures for Reimbursement Reviews.