
We’re Officially Launching Canada’s Drug Agency

Today’s the day: we are officially Canada’s Drug Agency.

We are expanding on our existing mandate and functions — which span drugs, medical devices, and clinical interventions — and including developing new programs focused on appropriate use, data and analytics, and system coordination and alignment.

Introducing Our Appropriate Use Advisory Committee Members

We’re thrilled to welcome new members – Julia Bareham, Dr. Devin Harris, Dr. Wendy Levinson, Dr. Lisa McCarthy, Dr. Emily McDonald, Connie Newman, Dr. Danielle Paes, Dr. Andrea Patey, Dr. Danyaal Raza, and Julie Weir – to our Appropriate Use Advisory Committee. These 10 distinguished individuals with in-depth experience in appropriate use, implementation science, and health policy represent patient, physician, and pharmacist perspectives, and will join co-chairs Stephen Samis and Dr. Jim Silvius to improve appropriate prescribing and medication use across Canada. The committee’s inaugural meeting is this month.

Strategic Plan Update

As part of our strategic planning process, we hosted a series of virtual town halls and distributed a public survey to gather input from our key partners, including patients, clinicians and clinical groups, industry, academic and research communities, and the broader community. These engagements were intended to gather input about Canada’s Drug Agency today, as well as perspectives on our future direction.

Thanks to all our partners who participated in the town halls and public survey. You can learn more about the themes that emerged at these engagement sessions on the strategic plan website.

Learn More

We will continue to provide updates about our progress and work as Canada’s Drug Agency. You can subscribe to our monthly newsletter The Dispatch to stay informed. And follow our social channels, including our newly launched Instagram page