Models of Care for Chronic Pain: An Environmental Scan


Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Environmental Scan
Project Number:

Chronic pain affects approximately 19% of adults in Canada, which results in substantial physical and psychological morbidity and costs to the health care system. Canada's Drug Agency is undertaking an Environmental Scan to help inform the development of strategies and programs to respond to the care needs of Canadians affected by chronic pain.

The key objectives of this Environmental Scan are to:

  • describe the following selected models of care used in the delivery of care for chronic pain and other clinical conditions: hub and spoke, oncology model, and stepped care
  • summarize the main patient-related outcomes that are associated with the selected models of care delivery
  • summarize key issues, challenges, and lessons learned in implementing the selected models of care delivery
  • identify other models of care delivery for chronic pain, including programs and services that are being used in Canada and other countries.