COVID-19 Search Strings

Covid19 search string The following is a sample of search strings for topics related to COVID-19. These strings have been developed and peer-reviewed by Research Information Specialists at Canada's Drug Agency. However, they have not been validated against a gold standard set of articles. Note, too, that the vocabulary and subject headings surrounding these topics are continuously changing. Individuals using these strings are therefore responsible for ensuring they are accurate, complete, and up to date. Specific PubMed links are included wherever possible.

Respiratory Pandemics (Including COVID-19, SARS, and MERS)
Ethics (Customized for Pandemics)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Patient Isolation
Physical/Social Distancing Measures (Including Self-Isolation, Lockdown, Closures, Travel Bans, and Reopening)
Health Care Workers

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Last edited: September 2, 2021

  1. COVID-19/ or exp COVID-19 Testing/ or COVID-19 Vaccines/ or SARS-CoV-2/
  2. (coronavirus/ or betacoronavirus/ or coronavirus infections/) and (disease outbreaks/ or epidemics/ or pandemics/)
  3. (nCoV* or 2019nCoV or 19nCoV or COVID19* or COVID or SARS-COV-2 or SARSCOV-2 or SARS-COV2 or SARSCOV2 or SARS coronavirus 2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2).ti,ab,kf,nm,ot,ox,rx,px.
  4. ((new or novel or "19" or "2019" or Wuhan or Hubei or China or Chinese) adj3 (coronavirus* or corona virus* or betacoronavirus* or CoV or HCoV)).ti,ab,kf,ot.
  5. (longCOVID* or postCOVID* or postcoronavirus* or postSARS*).ti,ab,kf,ot.
  6. ((coronavirus* or corona virus* or betacoronavirus*) adj3 (pandemic* or epidemic* or outbreak* or crisis)).ti,ab,kf,ot.
  7. ((Wuhan or Hubei) adj5 pneumonia).ti,ab,kf,ot.
  8. or/1-7
  9. limit 8 to yr="2019 -Current"

COVID-19 — PubMed

Last edited: September 2, 2021

COVID-19 [mh] OR COVID-19 Testing[mh] OR COVID-19 Vaccines[mh] OR SARS-CoV-2[mh] OR spike glycoprotein, COVID-19 virus [Supplementary Concept] OR ((Coronavirus OR Betacoronavirus OR Coronavirus Infections) AND (Disease Outbreaks OR Epidemics OR Pandemics[mh])) OR nCoV[tiab] OR nCoV[tt] OR 2019nCoV[tiab] OR 2019nCoV[tt] OR 19nCoV[tiab] OR 19nCoV[tt] OR COVID19*[tiab] OR COVID19*[tt] OR COVID[tiab] OR COVID[tt] OR SARS-CoV-2[tiab] OR SARS-CoV-2[tt] OR SARSCOV-2[tiab] OR SARSCOV-2[tt] OR SARS-COV2[tiab] OR SARS-COV2[tt] OR SARSCOV2[tiab] OR SARSCOV2[tt] OR SARS coronavirus 2[tiab] OR SARS coronavirus 2[tt] OR Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2[tiab] OR Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2[tt] OR ((severe acute respiratory syndrome[tiab] OR severe acute respiratory syndrome[tt]) AND (corona virus 2[tiab] OR corona virus 2[tt])) OR new coronavirus[tiab] OR (new[tt] AND coronavirus[tt]) OR novel coronavirus[tiab] OR novel coronavirus[tt] OR novel corona virus[tiab] OR (novel[tt] AND corona virus[tt]) OR novel CoV[tiab] OR (novel[tt] AND CoV[tt]) OR novel HCoV[tiab] OR (novel[tt] AND HCoV[tt]) OR (("19″[tiab] OR "19"[tt] OR "2019"[tiab] OR "2019"[tt] OR Wuhan[tiab] OR Wuhan[tt] OR Hubei[tiab] OR Hubei[tt]) AND (coronavirus*[tiab] OR coronavirus*[tt] OR corona virus*[tiab] OR corona virus*[tt] OR CoV[tiab] OR CoV[tt] OR HCoV[tiab] OR HCoV[tt])) OR longCOVID*[tiab] OR longCOVID*[tt] OR postCOVID*[tiab] OR postCOVID*[tt] OR postcoronavirus*[tiab] OR postcoronavirus*[tt] OR postSARS*[tiab] OR postSARS*[tt] OR ((coronavirus*[tiab] OR coronavirus*[tt] OR corona virus*[tiab] OR corona virus*[tt] OR betacoronavirus*[tiab] OR betacoronavirus*[tt]) AND (outbreak*[tiab] OR outbreak*[tt] OR epidemic*[tiab] OR epidemic*[tt] OR pandemic*[tiab] OR pandemic*[tt] OR crisis[tiab] OR crisis[tt])) OR ((Wuhan[tiab] OR Wuhan[tt] OR Hubei[tiab] OR Hubei[tt]) AND (pneumonia[tiab] OR pneumonia[tt]))


2019/10/31:3000/12/31[Date – Publication]


Last edited: September 2, 2021

  1. sars-related coronavirus/
  2. (coronavirinae/ or betacoronavirus/ or coronavirus infection/) and (epidemic/ or pandemic/)
  3. (nCoV* or 2019nCoV or 19nCoV or COVID19* or COVID or SARS-COV-2 or SARSCOV-2 or SARS-COV2 or SARSCOV2 or SARS coronavirus 2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2).ti,ab,kw,hw,ot.
  4. ((new or novel or "19" or "2019" or Wuhan or Hubei or China or Chinese) adj3 (coronavirus* or corona virus* or betacoronavirus* or CoV or HCoV)).ti,ab,kw,hw,ot.
  5. (longCOVID* or postCOVID* or postcoronavirus* or postSARS*).ti,ab,kw,hw,ot.
  6. ((coronavirus* or corona virus* or betacoronavirus*) adj3 (pandemic* or epidemic* or outbreak* or crisis)).ti,ab,kw,ot.
  7. ((Wuhan or Hubei) adj5 pneumonia).ti,ab,kw,ot.
  8. or/1-7
  9. limit 8 to yr="2019 -Current"

COVID-19 — Scopus

Last edited: September 2, 2021

( ( KEY ( coronavirus  OR  betacoronavirus  OR  “coronavirus infections” )  AND  KEY ( “disease outbreaks”  OR  epidemics  OR  pandemics ) )  OR  ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ncov*  OR  2019ncov  OR  19ncov  OR  covid19*  OR  covid  OR  sars-cov-2  OR  sars-cov2  OR  sarscov-2  OR  sarscov2  OR "SARS coronavirus 2" OR  “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2”  OR  “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2” ) )  OR  ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( new  W/3  coronavirus* )  OR  ( new  W/3  “corona virus*” )  OR  ( new  W/3  betacoronavirus* )  OR  ( new  W/3  cov )  OR  ( new  W/3  hcov )  OR  ( novel  W/3  coronavirus* )  OR  ( novel  W/3  “corona virus*” )  OR  ( novel  W/3  betacoronavirus* )  OR  ( novel  W/3  cov )  OR  ( novel  W/3  hcov )  OR  ( 19  W/3  coronavirus* )  OR  ( 19  W/3  “corona virus*” )  OR  ( 19  W/3  betacoronavirus* )  OR  ( 19  W/3  cov )  OR  ( 19  W/3  hcov )  OR  ( 2019  W/3  coronavirus* )  OR  ( 2019  W/3  “corona virus*” )  OR  ( 2019  W/3  betacoronavirus* )  OR  ( 2019  W/3  cov )  OR  ( 2019  W/3  hcov )  OR  ( wuhan  W/3  coronavirus* )  OR  ( wuhan  W/3  “corona virus*” )  OR  ( wuhan  W/3  betacoronavirus* )  OR  ( wuhan  W/3  cov )  OR  ( wuhan  W/3  hcov )  OR  ( hubei  W/3  coronavirus* )  OR  ( hubei  W/3  “corona virus*” )  OR  ( hubei  W/3  betacoronavirus* )  OR  ( hubei  W/3  cov )  OR  ( hubei  W/3  hcov )  OR  ( china  W/3  coronavirus* )  OR  ( china  W/3  “corona virus*” )  OR  ( china  W/3  betacoronavirus* )  OR  ( china  W/3  cov )  OR  ( china  W/3  hcov )  OR  ( chinese  W/3  coronavirus* )  OR  ( chinese  W/3  “corona virus*” )  OR  ( chinese  W/3  betacoronavirus* )  OR  ( chinese  W/3  cov )  OR  ( chinese  W/3  hcov ) ) )  OR  ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (longCOVID* OR postCOVID* OR postcoronavirus* OR postSARS*) ) OR  ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( coronavirus*  W/3  pandemic* )  OR  ( coronavirus*  W/3  epidemic* )  OR  ( coronavirus*  W/3  outbreak* )  OR  ( coronavirus*  W/3  crisis )  OR  ( “corona virus*”  W/3  pandemic* )  OR  ( “corona virus*”  W/3  epidemic* )  OR  ( “corona virus*”  W/3  outbreak* )  OR  ( “corona virus*”  W/3  crisis )  OR  ( betacoronavirus*  W/3  pandemic* )  OR  ( betacoronavirus*  W/3  epidemic* )  OR  ( betacoronavirus*  W/3  outbreak* )  OR  ( betacoronavirus*  W/3  crisis ) ) )  OR  ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( wuhan  W/5  pneumonia )  OR  ( hubei  W/5  pneumonia ) ) ) )  AND  ( PUBYEAR  >  2018 )

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Respiratory Pandemics (Including COVID-19, SARS, and MERS) — MEDLINE

Last edited: September 3, 2021

  1. COVID-19/ or exp COVID-19 Testing/ or COVID-19 Vaccines/ or SARS-CoV-2/
  2. (coronavirus/ or betacoronavirus/ or coronavirus infections/) and (disease outbreaks/ or epidemics/ or pandemics/)
  3. (nCoV* or 2019nCoV or 19nCoV or COVID19* or COVID or SARS-COV-2 or SARSCOV-2 or SARS-COV2 or SARSCOV2 or SARS coronavirus 2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2).ti,ab,kf,nm,ox,rx,px.
  4. ((new or novel or "19" or "2019" or Wuhan or Hubei or China or Chinese) adj3 (coronavirus* or corona virus* or betacoronavirus* or CoV or HCoV)).ti,ab,kf.
  5. (longCOVID* or postCOVID* or postcoronavirus* or postSARS*).ti,ab,kf.
  6. ((coronavirus* or corona virus* or betacoronavirus*) adj3 (pandemic* or epidemic* or outbreak* or crisis)).ti,ab,kf.
  7. ((Wuhan or Hubei) adj5 pneumonia).ti,ab,kf.
  8. SARS virus/ or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/ or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus/
  9. (SARSCOV* or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome* or sudden acute respiratory syndrome* or SARS like or MERSCoV* or Middle East Respiratory or camel flu or EMC 2012).ti,ab,kf.
  10. ((SARS or MERS) adj5 (virus* or coronavirus* or betacoronavirus* or CoV or CoV2 or HCoV or pandemic or epidemic or outbreak* or infect* or respiratory or pathogen*)).ti,ab,kf.
  11. *pandemics/
  12. pandemic*.ti.
  13. ((flu or influenza*) adj3 (pandemic* or epidemic*)).ti,ab,kf.
  14. or/1-13

Respiratory Pandemics (Including COVID-19, SARS, and MERS) — PubMed

Last edited: September 3, 2021

COVID-19 [mh] OR COVID-19 Testing[mh] OR COVID-19 Vaccines[mh] OR SARS-CoV-2[mh] OR spike glycoprotein, COVID-19 virus [Supplementary Concept] OR ((Coronavirus OR Betacoronavirus OR Coronavirus Infections) AND (Disease Outbreaks OR Epidemics OR Pandemics[mh])) OR nCoV[tiab] OR 2019nCoV[tiab] OR 19nCoV[tiab] OR COVID19*[tiab] OR COVID[tiab] OR SARS-CoV-2[tiab] OR SARSCOV-2[tiab] OR SARS-COV2[tiab] OR SARSCOV2[tiab] OR SARS coronavirus 2[tiab] OR new coronavirus[tiab] OR novel coronavirus[tiab] OR novel corona virus[tiab] OR novel CoV[tiab] OR novel HCoV[tiab] OR (("19"[tiab] OR "2019"[tiab] OR Wuhan[tiab] OR Hubei[tiab]) AND (coronavirus*[tiab] OR corona virus*[tiab] OR CoV[tiab] OR HCoV[tiab])) OR longCOVID*[tiab] OR postCOVID*[tiab] OR postcoronavirus*[tiab] OR postSARS*[tiab] OR ((coronavirus*[tiab] OR corona virus*[tiab] OR betacoronavirus*[tiab]) AND (outbreak*[tiab] OR epidemic*[tiab] OR pandemic*[tiab] OR crisis[tiab])) OR ((Wuhan[tiab] OR Hubei[tiab]) AND pneumonia[tiab]) OR SARS virus[mh] OR severe acute respiratory syndrome[mh] OR middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus[mh] OR SARSCoV*[tiab] OR Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome*[tiab] OR sudden acute respiratory syndrome*[tiab] OR SARS like[tiab] OR MERSCoV*[tiab] OR Middle East Respiratory[tiab] OR camel flu[tiab] OR EMC 2012[tiab] OR ((SARS[tiab] OR MERS[tiab]) AND (virus*[tiab] OR coronavirus*[tiab] OR betacoronavirus*[tiab] OR CoV[tiab] OR CoV2[tiab] OR HCoV[tiab] OR pandemic[tiab] OR epidemic[tiab] OR outbreak*[tiab] OR infect*[tiab] OR respiratory[tiab] OR pathogen*[tiab])) OR Pandemics[majr] OR pandemic*[ti] OR ((flu[tiab] OR influenza*[tiab]) AND (pandemic*[tiab] OR epidemic*[tiab]))

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Ethics (Customized for Pandemics) — MEDLINE

Last edited: April 21, 2020

  1. exp Ethics/ OR exp Privacy/ OR exp Jurisprudence/ OR exp Morals/ OR Paternalism/ OR exp Prejudice/ OR Social Values/ OR Stereotyping/ OR Social Stigma/ OR exp Geography, Medical/ OR Medically Underserved Area/ OR exp Health Services Accessibility/ OR Healthcare Disparities/ OR Medical Overuse/ OR exp Disclosure/ OR exp Human Rights/ OR Coercion/ OR exp Mandatory Programs/ OR exp Social Problems/ OR "Legislation & Jurisprudence".fs. OR ethics.fs.
  2. ((healthcare or health care or nonclinical or non clinical or community based or public health or preventive care) adj (access or deliver* or distribution* or system*)).ti,kf.
  3. (ethic or ethics or ethical or ethically or moral or morals or bioethic*).ti,ab,hw,kf,jw.
  4. (legal* or liabilit* or litigation* or constitutional or justice or law or laws or jurisprudence or complicit*).ti,ab,hw,kf,jw.
  5. (lawsuit* or lawyer* or lawmaker*).ti,ab,kf.
  6. human right*.ti,ab,kf.
  7. civil right*.ti,ab,kf.
  8. (prejudice* or stigma or stigmas or stigmatization or stigmatize or stigmatise or stigmatisation or stereotyp*).ti,ab,kf.
  9. (inequalit* or equalit* or inequit* or equit* or disparit* or fair or fairness or unfair or unfairness).ti,ab,kf.
  10. (distributive justice or precautionary principle or solidarity).ti,ab,kf.
  11. ((care or treatment) adj2 (duty or obligat*)).ti,ab,kf.
  12. (social* adj (responsib* or obligat* or justice)).ti,ab,kf.
  13. (psychological or psychosocial or socioeconomic or socio-economic or psychosexual).ti,kf.
  14. ((social or psychological or psychosocial or socioeconomic or socio-economic or psychosexual) adj2 (impact* or burden*)).ti,ab,kf.
  15. (communitarian* or beneficence or nonmaleficence or maleficence or accountability).ti,ab,kf.
  16. (privacy or confidential*).ti,ab,kf.
  17. ((informed or presumed or shared or parent* or guardian* or family or families or child* or pediatric or paediatric or adolescent* or youth) adj2 (consent or choice or decision making or assent or dissent)).ti,ab,kf.
  18. (coercion or persuasion or information provision).ti,ab,kf.
  19. ((conflict or financial or industry) adj3 interest*).ti,ab,kf.
  20. (industry adj3 (funding or involvement or sponsor*)).ti,ab,kf.
  21. ti,ab,hw,kf.
  22. ti,ab,kf.
  23. (overdiagnos* or over-diagnos* or underscreen* or under-screen* or overtreat* or over-treat*).ti,ab,kf.
  24. ti,ab,kf.
  25. *Resource Allocation/ or Health Care Rationing/ or *Surge Capacity/
  26. (scarcity or scarce or ration or rationing or allocat* or shortage or shortages).ti,kf.
  27. (shortfall* or backlog*).ti,ab,kf.
  28. (capacity and (surge or surges or surging or resourc* or build*)).ti.
  29. or/1-28

Ethics (Customized for Pandemics) — PubMed

Last edited: April 23, 2020

Ethics[mh] OR Privacy[mh] OR Jurisprudence[mh] OR Morals[mh] OR Paternalism[mh] OR Prejudice[mh] OR Social Values[mh] OR Stereotyping[mh] OR Social Stigma[mh] OR Medical Geography[mh] OR Medically Underserved Area[mh] OR Health Services Accessibility[mh] OR Healthcare Disparities[mh] OR Medical Overuse OR Disclosure[mh] OR Human Rights[mh] OR Coercion[mh] OR Mandatory Programs[mh] OR Social Problems[mh] OR LJ[sh] OR ES[sh] OR ((healthcare[ti] OR health care[ti] OR nonclinical[ti] OR non clinical[ti] OR community based[ti] OR public health[ti] OR preventive care[ti]) AND (access[ti] OR deliver*[ti] OR distribution*[ti] OR system*[ti])) OR ((healthcare[ot] OR health care[ot] OR nonclinical[ot] OR non clinical[ot] OR community based[ot] OR public health[ot] OR preventive care[ot]) AND (access[ot] OR deliver*[ot] OR distribution*[ot] OR system*[ot])) OR ethic[tiab] OR ethics[tiab] OR ethical[tiab] OR ethically[tiab] OR moral[tiab] OR morals[tiab] OR bioethic*[tiab] OR ethic[ta] OR ethics[ta] OR ethical[ta] OR moral[ta] OR morals[ta] OR bioethic*[ta] OR legal*[tiab] OR liabilit*[tiab] OR litigation*[tiab] OR constitutional[tiab] OR justice[tiab] OR law[tiab] OR laws[tiab] OR jurisprudence[tiab] OR complicit*[tiab] OR legal*[ta] OR liabilit*[ta] OR litigation*[ta] OR constitutional[ta] OR justice[ta] OR law[ta] OR laws[ta] OR jurisprudence[ta] OR complicit*[ta] OR lawsuit*[tiab] OR lawyer*[tiab] OR lawmaker*[tiab] OR human right*[tiab] OR civil right*[tiab] OR prejudice*[tiab] OR stigma[tiab] OR stigmas[tiab] OR stigmatization[tiab] OR stigmatize[tiab] OR stigmatise[tiab] OR stigmatisation[tiab] OR stereotyp*[tiab] OR inequalit*[tiab] OR equalit*[tiab] OR inequit*[tiab] OR equit*[tiab] OR disparit*[tiab] OR fair[tiab] OR fairness[tiab] OR unfair[tiab] OR unfairness[tiab] OR distributive justice[tiab] OR precautionary principle[tiab] OR solidarity[tiab] OR ((care[tiab] OR treatment[tiab]) AND (duty[tiab] OR obligat*[tiab])) OR (social*[tiab] AND (responsib*[tiab] OR obligat*[tiab] OR justice[tiab])) OR psychological[ti] OR psychosocial[ti] OR socioeconomic[ti] OR socio-economic[ti] OR psychosexual[ti] OR psychological[ot] OR psychosocial[ot] OR socioeconomic[ot] OR socio-economic[ot] OR psychosexual[ot] OR ((social[tiab] OR psychological[tiab] OR psychosocial[tiab] OR socioeconomic[tiab] OR socio-economic[tiab] OR psychosexual[tiab]) AND (impact*[tiab] OR burden*[tiab])) OR communitarian*[tiab] OR beneficence[tiab] OR nonmaleficence[tiab] OR maleficence[tiab] OR accountability[tiab] OR privacy[tiab] OR confidential*[tiab] OR ((informed[tiab] OR presumed[tiab] OR shared[tiab] OR parent*[tiab] OR guardian*[tiab] OR family[tiab] OR families[tiab] OR child*[tiab] OR pediatric[tiab] OR paediatric[tiab] OR adolescent*[tiab] OR youth[tiab]) AND (consent[tiab] OR choice[tiab] OR decision making[tiab] OR assent[tiab] OR dissent[tiab])) OR coercion[tiab] OR persuasion[tiab] OR information provision[tiab] OR ((conflict[tiab] OR financial[tiab] OR industry[tiab]) AND interest*[tiab]) OR (industry[tiab] AND (funding[tiab] OR involvement[tiab] OR sponsor*[tiab])) OR autonomy[tiab] OR transparency[tiab] OR overdiagnos*[tiab] OR over-diagnos*[tiab] OR underscreen*[tiab] OR under-screen*[tiab] OR overtreat*[tiab] OR over-treat*[tiab] OR underserved[tiab] OR Resource Allocation OR Health Care Rationing[mh] OR Surge Capacity[majr] OR scarcity[ti] OR scarce[ti] OR ration[ti] OR rationing[ti] OR allocat*[ti] OR shortage[ti] OR shortages[ti] OR shortfall*[tiab] OR backlog*[tiab] OR (capacity[ti] AND (surge[ti] OR surges[ti] OR surging[ti] OR resourc*[ti] OR build*[ti]))

COVID-19 Ethics — LitCovid (NIH-NLM)

Last edited: April 4, 2020

LitCovid Ethics Search Results

ethic OR ethics OR ethical OR ethically OR bioethics OR privacy OR prejudice OR prejudiced OR disclosure OR coercion OR stigma OR stigmas OR stigmatize OR stigmatized OR stigmatization OR stigmatizing OR stigmatise OR stigmatised OR stigmatisation OR stigmatising OR stereotype OR stereotypes OR stereotyping OR stereotyped OR inequality OR inequalities OR equality OR inequity OR inequities OR equity OR disparity OR disparities OR fair OR fairness OR unfair OR unfairness OR solidarity OR beneficence OR nonmaleficence OR maleficence OR accountability OR confidentiality OR persuasion OR autonomy OR transparency OR underserved OR scarcity OR scarce OR ration OR rationing OR allocation OR allocating OR shortfall OR shortfalls OR backlog OR backlogs OR shortage OR shortages OR accessibility OR law OR laws OR lawsuit OR lawsuits OR jurisprudence OR lawyer OR lawyers OR lawmaker OR lawmakers OR legislation OR legislative OR legal OR liability OR litigation OR justice OR duty OR obligation

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Personal Protective Equipment — MEDLINE

Last edited: April 20, 2020

  1. Protective Devices/ or Ear Protective Devices/ or Eye Protective Devices/ or exp Gloves, Protective/ or Masks/ or Personal Protective Equipment/ or Protective Clothing/ or Respiratory Protective Devices/
  2. (personal protect* or PPE or PPEs or protective device* or protective layer*).ti,ab,kf.
  3. ((protect* or safe*) adj3 (glasses or eyeglasses or eyewear or cap or caps or equipment or garment* or clothing or clothes or apron* or suit or suits or shoe* or attire or shield* or gear)).ti,ab,kf.
  4. (protect* adj2 (head or heads or face or faces or facial or foot or feet or hand or hands or eye or eyes or mouth or mouths or skin)).ti,ab,kf.
  5. (facepiece* or face piece* or mask or masks or facemask* or faceshield* or face shield* or respirator or respirators or FFP1 or FFP2 or FFP3).ti,ab,kf.
  6. ((surgical or respiratory or protect* or facial or face or N99 or N95 or N 99 or N 95) adj2 mask*).ti,ab,kf.
  7. ((N99 or N95 or N 99 or N 95 or FFP or P100) adj3 respirator*).ti,ab,kf.
  8. ((protect* or filter*) adj2 respirator*).ti,ab,kf.
  9. (coverall* or boot or boots or donning or donned or doff or doffing or doffed or face cover* or facial cover* or glove or gloves or gloving or gown or gowns or gowning or goggle* or head cover* or headwear or hood or hoods or overshoe* or shoe cover* or smock or smocks or visor or visors).ti,ab,kf.
  10. or/1-9

Personal Protective Equipment — PubMed

Last edited: April 21, 2020

Protective Devices OR Ear Protective Devices[mh] OR Eye Protective Devices[mh] OR Gloves, Protective[mh] OR Masks OR Personal Protective Equipment OR Protective Clothing OR Respiratory Protective Devices[mh] OR personal protect*[tiab] OR PPE[tiab] OR PPEs[tiab] OR protective device*[tiab] OR protective layer*[tiab] OR protective equipment[tiab] OR safety equipment[tiab] OR protective shield*[tiab] OR safety shield*[tiab] OR protective gear[tiab] OR safety gear[tiab] OR respiratory protect*[tiab] OR respiratory filter*[tiab] OR ((protect*[tiab] OR safe*[tiab]) AND (glasses[tiab] OR eyeglasses[tiab] OR eyewear[tiab] OR cap[tiab] OR caps[tiab] OR garment*[tiab] OR clothing[tiab] OR clothes[tiab] OR apron*[tiab] OR suit[tiab] OR suits[tiab] OR shoe*[tiab] OR attire[tiab])) OR head protect*[tiab] OR protective head*[tiab] OR face protect*[tiab] OR facial protect*[tiab] OR foot protect*[tiab] OR protective foot[tiab] OR hand protect*[tiab] OR eye protect*[tiab] OR protective eye*[tiab] OR mouth protect*[tiab] OR protective mouth*[tiab] OR skin protect*[tiab] OR protective skin[tiab] OR facepiece*[tiab] OR face piece*[tiab] OR mask[tiab] OR masks[tiab] OR facemask*[tiab] OR faceshield*[tiab] OR face shield*[tiab] OR respirator[tiab] OR respirators[tiab] OR FFP1[tiab] OR FFP2[tiab] OR FFP3[tiab] OR ((surgical[tiab] OR respiratory[tiab] OR protect*[tiab] OR facial[tiab] OR face[tiab] OR N99[tiab] OR N95[tiab] OR N 99[tiab] OR N 95[tiab]) AND mask*[tiab]) OR ((N99[tiab] OR N95[tiab] OR N 99[tiab] OR N 95[tiab] OR FFP[tiab] OR P100[tiab]) AND respiratory[tiab]) OR coverall*[tiab] OR boot[tiab] OR boots[tiab] OR donning[tiab] OR donned[tiab] OR doff[tiab] OR doffing[tiab] OR doffed[tiab] OR face cover*[tiab] OR facial cover*[tiab] OR glove[tiab] OR gloves[tiab] OR gloving[tiab] OR gown[tiab] OR gowns[tiab] OR gowning[tiab] OR goggle*[tiab] OR head cover*[tiab] OR headwear[tiab] OR hood[tiab] OR hoods[tiab] OR overshoe*[tiab] OR shoe cover*[tiab] OR smock[tiab] OR smocks[tiab] OR visor[tiab] OR visors[tiab]

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Patient Isolation — MEDLINE

Last edited: April 6, 2020

  1. (isolation or isolator* or segregation* or seclusion or seclud*).ti,ab,kf.
  2. Cross Infection/pc or Disease Outbreaks/pc or Coronavirus Infections/pc or (cross infection or nosocomial* or infection control* or outbreak* or hospital acquired or healthcare associated or health care associated).ti,ab,kf.
  3. 1 and 2
  4. Hospitals, Isolation/ or Patient Isolation/ or Patient Isolators/ or Quarantine/
  5. ((isolation or isolator* or segregation* or seclusion or seclud*) adj3 (contact or practice* or room* or respiratory or strict or measure* or precaution* or facilit* or prioritization or prioritisation or patient* or reverse)).ti,ab,kf.
  6. (quarantin* or superisolation or isolette or quarantaine or barrier nursing or lazaret*).ti,ab,kf.
  7. ((contact or droplet or universal or transmission-based) adj3 precaution*).ti,ab,kf.
  8. or/3-7

Patient Isolation — PubMed

Last edited: April 6, 2020

Patient Isolation Hyperlink

Hospitals, Isolation[mh] OR Patient Isolation[mh] OR Patient isolators[mh] OR Quarantine[mh] OR (isolation[tiab] AND (contact[tiab] OR practice*[tiab] OR room*[tiab] OR respiratory[tiab] OR strict[tiab] OR measure*[tiab] OR precaution*[tiab] OR facilit*[tiab] OR prioritization[tiab] OR prioritisation[tiab] OR patient*[tiab] OR reverse[tiab])) OR ((contact[tiab] OR droplet[tiab] OR universal[tiab] OR transmission-based[tiab]) AND precaution*[tiab]) OR superisolation[tiab] OR isolette[tiab] OR quarantin*[tiab] OR quarantaine[tiab] OR barrier nursing[tiab] OR lazaret*[tiab] OR ((isolation[tiab] OR isolator*[tiab]) AND (Cross Infection/pc[mh] OR Disease Outbreaks/pc[mh] OR Coronavirus Infections/pc[mh] OR cross infection[tiab] OR nosocomial*[tiab] OR infection control*[tiab] OR outbreak*[tiab] OR hospital acquired[tiab] OR healthcare associated[tiab] OR health care associated[tiab]))

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Telehealth — MEDLINE

Last edited: September 2, 2021

  1. Remote Consultation/ or exp Telemedicine/ or Distance Counseling/
  2. ((comput* or distance or internet or phone or online or remote or tele* or video or virtual or web) adj2 (administ* or advice or assess* or care or chat* or confer* or consult* or counsel* or deliver* or health* or interv* or manag* or medic* or monit* or nurs* or pharm* or therap* or visit*)).ti,ab,kf.
  3. (teleadminist* or teleadvice or teleassess* or telecare or telechat* or teleconf* or teleconsult* or telecounsel* or teledeliv* or telehealth* or teleinterv* or telemanag* or telemedic* or telemonit* or telenurs* or telepharm* or televisit* or teletherap* or videochat* or videotelephon*).ti,ab,kf.
  4. (eConsult* or e-consult* or ecounsel* or e-counsel* or eHealth* or e-Health* or einterv* or e-interv* or etherap* or e-therap* or mHealth* or m-Health* or mobile health*).ti,ab,kf.
  5. Telemed*.jw.
  6. ((comput* or distance or electronic or internet or phone or online or remote or tele* or video or virtual or web) adj2 (derm* or neurol* or pathol* or psych* or radiol* or rehab* or surg*)).ti,ab,kf.
  7. (telederm* or teleneurol* or telepathol* or telepsych* or teleradiol* or telerehab* or telesurg*).ti,ab,kf.
  8. (App or apps or facetime* or helpline* or store-and-forward* or store-forward* or skype* or video* or zoom or webbased tool or web-based tool* or voice-over or voiceover or VoIP).ti,ab,kf.
  9. or/1-8

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Physical/Social Distancing Measures (Including Self-Isolation, Lockdown, Closures, Travel Bans, and Reopening) — MEDLINE

Last edited: September 2, 2021

  1. Social Distance/ or Physical Distancing/ or social isolation/
  2. ((social* or physical* or spatial* or person* or interperson*) adj1 distanc*).ti,ab,kf.
  3. ((physical* or social*) adj separat*).ti,ab,kf.
  4. (lockdown* or lock down* or self quarantin* or stay at home or stay home or remain* at home or shelter* in place).ti,ab,kf.
  5. (home adj2 (isolate or isolated or isolati* or quarantin* or confin*)).ti,ab,kf.
  6. (self isolat* or household isolat* or house hold isolat*).ti,ab,kf.
  7. quarantine/ and (home or self).ti,ab,kf.
  8. ((gathering* or public event* or public activit* or group event* or group activit* or mass event* or large event* or social event* or social activit* or nonessential activit* or non essential activit* or conference* or sporting or travel* or public transit or public transport* or worship* or (religio* adj2 (event* or rite or rites or service* or building* or organization* or organisation*)) or church* or synagogue* or mosque* or temple* or night club or night clubs or nightclub* or concerts) adj3 (restrict* or limit* or cancel* or reduc* or postpon* or post pon* or ban or bans or banned or banning or suspend* or suspension)).ti,ab,kf.
  9. ((social or contact or contacts or crowd*) adj2 (restrict* or limit* or reduc* or mixing)).ti,ab,kf.
  10. ((school* or classroom* or class room* or educational or universit* or college* or workplace* or work place* or worksite* or work site* or office or offices or business* or restaurant* or retail or store or stores or public space* or public area* or communal space* or communal area* or venue* or public transit or public transport* or worship* or (religio* adj2 (event* or rite or rites or service* or building* or organization* or organisation*)) or church* or synagogue* or mosque* or temple* or club or clubs or nightclub* or sport or sports or park or parks) adj3 (closure* or close or closed or closing or shutdown* or shut down)).ti,ab,kf.
  11. work closure*.ti,ab,kf.
  12. (schools/ or exp travel/) and (restrict* or limit* or cancel* or reduc* or postpon* or post pon* or ban or bans or banned or banning or suspend* or suspension).ti,ab,kf.
  13. ((school* or class*) adj1 dismiss*).ti,ab,kf.
  14. ((gathering* or public event* or public activit* or group event* or group activit* or mass event* or large event* or social event* or social activit* or nonessential activit* or non essential activit* or conference* or sporting or public transit or public transport* or worship* or (religio* adj2 (event* or rite or rites or service* or building* or organization* or organisation*)) or church* or synagogue* or mosque* or temple* or nightclub* or concerts or school* or classroom* or class room* or educational or universit* or college* or workplace* or work or worksite* or office or offices or business* or restaurant* or retail or store or stores or public space* or public area* or communal space* or communal area* or venue* or club or clubs or sport or sports or park or parks) adj4 (reopen* or re open* or resum* or restart* or re start* or return*)).ti,ab,kf.
  15. (travel* adj3 (reopen* or re open* or resum* or restart* or re start*)).ti,ab,kf.
  16. or/1-15

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Decontamination — MEDLINE

Last edited: July 6, 2020

Note: Designed to be combined with COVID-19 set. 

  1. exp Anti-infective agents/ or exp antisepsis/ or exp sterilization/
  2. containment of biohazards/ or decontamination/ or equipment contamination/ or microbial variability/
  3. (antiinfect* or anti-infect* or antisept* or anti-sept* or autoclav* or auto-clav* or contamin* or decontam* or disinfect* or dis-infect* or inactivat* or resteril* or re-stereli* or sterili*).ti,kf.
  4. (benzalkonium or biocid* or bleach* or cetylpyridinium* or germicid* or ethanol or ethylene or peroxide or soap* or UV or UVC or UV-C or UVGI or ultraviolet or ultra-violet).ti,kf.
  5. (antimicrob* or anti-microb* or antibacter* or anti-bacter* or microbiocid* or biocid*).ti,kf.
  6. heat*.ti,kf.
  7. or/1-6

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Health Care Workers — MEDLINE

Last edited: July 20, 2020

Note: Not an exhaustive list. Add in specialties as necessary.

  1. exp Health Personnel/ OR exp Attitude of Health Personnel/ or exp Patient Care Team/ OR Caregivers/
  2. ((health care OR healthcare OR allied health OR medical OR clinic* OR hospital OR hospitals OR health facilit* OR health care facilit* OR healthcare facilit* OR health organization* OR nursing home* OR long-term care OR hospice OR acute care OR community health center* OR community health centre* OR emergency room* OR health service* OR ambulance OR ambulatory care OR outpatient OR operating room) ADJ3 (provider* OR worker* OR fieldworker* OR professional* OR staff OR practitioner* OR employee* OR personnel OR manager* OR administrator* OR technician* OR caregiver*)).ti,ab,kf.
  3. (doctor* OR physician* OR clinician* OR paramedic* OR nurs* OR pharmacist* OR surgeon*).ti,ab,kf.
  4. or/1-3