Partnering for Results
2023 – 2024 Annual Report

A Deliberate Focus on Collaboration

Meaningful partnerships are the lifeblood of our organization. They spur innovation and catalyze new ways of seeing the world around us. By intentionally fostering close multisector partnerships, we benefit from the expertise and unique points of view that each sector brings to our table.
This past year, our deliberate focus on collaboration has helped us forge new connections and strengthen existing relationships, achieving more together than we ever could alone. We have worked with a range of organizations who can help challenge traditional ways of thinking and spark innovative approaches to problem-solving.
One example is the creation of our time-limited Industry Task Force, with 10 delegates from the pharmaceutical industry. This group is working with us to identify opportunities and barriers for the use of industry-held real-world data in our Post-Market Drug Evaluation program. Through this collaboration, we are working to answer specific questions about how health technology assessment (HTA) agencies can leverage and operationalize the use of these data. Next year, an options paper will be published on our website.
Partnerships and Engagement

Partnerships established through CoLab, our research network, have proven to be instrumental in strengthening our ability to leverage real-world evidence (RWE). By collaborating with research teams across Canada, we are more effectively answering questions about drugs that are used by people in Canada but may have entered the market without a full understanding of their long-term and real-world effectiveness.
Our engagement with patient communities also continues to shape the future of our organization. Working closely with patient partner organizations and our Patient and Community Advisory Committee, we explored how patient perspectives and voices can truly come to be foundational elements of our work.
We intensified our collaborations with global HTA agencies through our existing partnership agreement, but also through new projects on discrete topics such as the development of economic models that consider disease pathways. By sharing expertise and learning from each other’s successes and failures, we will be much more prepared to assess the novel health technologies that continue to emerge.
We are grateful to all of the individuals and organizations that partner with us for their trust in us and their shared vision of health system transformation.