Trends in Opioid Prescribing in Canada, 2018-2022


Project Status:
In Progress
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Technology Review
Project Number:

This study analyzed trends in prescription opioid use for pain and opioid agonist therapy (OAT) from January 2018 to December 2022 across 6 Canadian provinces. A decline in new and overall prescription opioid use for pain, with higher rates among females, older adults, lower-income, and rural residents was found. Hydromorphone use increased, while oxycodone use decreased. OAT use varied by province, with increases in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and stable rates in British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. Buprenorphine use rose across all provinces.

Opioid toxicity hospitalizations were highest in British Columbia and lowest in Manitoba and Quebec. Active prescription opioid exposure at the time of toxicity was uncommon and declined over time, except in British Columbia. Females and older adults were more likely to have active opioid exposure. The study highlights the need for continuous monitoring and policy efforts to address the harms of unregulated drug supply.

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