Last Updated : February 2, 2018
Canada's Drug Agency delivers evidence, analysis, advice, and recommendations to health care decision-makers, so that they can make informed decisions about the optimal use of drugs and medical devices in our health care system.
No, Canada's Drug Agency is an independent, not-for-profit organization established in 1989 by the federal, provincial, and territorial governments.
Across the country. While we are headquartered in Ottawa, we have an office in Toronto, and Canada's Drug Agency Liaison Officers and other staff located in a variety of communities.
We are a multidisciplinary team of people dedicated to improving health care through evidence-informed decision-making. Our staff includes experts in clinical research, health economics, information services, and knowledge exchange, as well as specialists in such fields as information technology, finance, and project management. Our Board of Directors and advisory committees draw members from academia, clinical practice, the public, and health policy-makers across the country.
Canada's Drug Agency responds to evidence needs related to health technologies, including drugs, diagnostic tests, surgical/medical/dental devices, and procedures used to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease; to promote health; or to improve rehabilitation and long-term care.
Canada's Drug Agency has devoted substantial effort to involving patients in the drug review process. We recognize that patients are the most important beneficiaries of our work, and we regularly request input from patient groups. Full details are available in our Provide Input section. Groups and individuals can also subscribe to our Canada's Drug Agency E-Alert and pCODR Communication updates to be notified when there is an opportunity for input into a drug review.
We have developed a variety of products and services that provide different benefits to different users. For a full description, please visit our products and services page.
Canada's Drug Agency customers are eligible to request new research from Canada's Drug Agency. A Canada's Drug Agency customer funds Canada's Drug Agency directly or has been designated as a customer by an organization that funds Canada's Drug Agency directly. Customers include policy, practice, and procurement decision-makers in:
Drug companies and tumour groups can submit applications to the Canada's Drug Agency Common Drug Review (CDR) and Canada's Drug Agency pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR). The Canada's Drug Agency Scientific Advice Program is a fee-for-service consultation offered to pharmaceutical companies.
Please see our eligibility page for more details.
All of our reports are available for free on Requests for new work are only accepted from eligible organizations within jurisdictions that fund Canada's Drug Agency. A Canada's Drug Agency Liaison Officer would be happy to look at your particular situation and give you a more specific answer.
When completed, our work is posted on This growing repository of evidence is free and completely searchable.
Information on requesting Canada's Drug Agency products and services can be found on the Submit a Request page.
Canada's Drug Agency Liaison Officers are located in jurisdictions across the country to ensure that Canada's Drug Agency stays current with regional issues, policies, and practices, and to provide one-to-one assistance to customers. At the same time, as a pan-Canadian organization, Canada's Drug Agency can provide unparalleled depth of expertise and knowledge of best practices from other jurisdictions.
Our legal name is the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. We go by Canada's Drug Agency for simplicity’s sake.
Canada's Drug Agency does not provide medical service or advice. If you have a medical problem, please contact a qualified health professional.