Last Updated : May 9, 2006
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
The four-part Canada's Drug Agency health technology assessment series on Canadian emergency department (ED) overcrowding is the first national, comprehensive study of the issue. It is designed to help Canadian policy makers, hospital and ED administrators, and health care researchers better understand the nature of ED overcrowding and what they can do about it. The reports look at:
- Measuring overcrowding in EDs;
- Data collection on patients in EDs;
- Frequency, determinants, and impact of overcrowding in EDs; and
- Interventions to reduce ED overcrowding.
1. Measuring Overcrowding in Emergency Departments: A Call for Standardization
A national survey and assessment of measures of overcrowding and their importance to ED providers, administrators and researchers across Canada
2. Data Collection on Patients in Emergency Departments in Canada
A national survey of electronic data collection methods in hospital EDs
3. Frequency, Determinants, and Impact of Overcrowding in Emergency Departments in Canada: A National Survey of Emergency Departments Directors
A national survey of ED directors to assess the frequency, determinants, and impact of overcrowding in hospital EDs
4. Interventions to Reduce Overcrowding in Emergency Departments
An assessment of interventions to reduce overcrowding in hospital EDs
Last Updated : May 9, 2006