Voice Prostheses and Heat-Moisture Exchangers for Adults following Total Laryngectomy


Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Rapid Review
Project Number:
Expected finish date:

What's new with this review?

  • The title of this report has been updated to better reflect the research objective and questions
  • The research questions have been slightly reworded to ensure that the comparisons evaluated are more explicit
  • The search strategy has been updated and is reported. One additional systematic review has been identified and included in this update
  • Clinical expert consultation has been conducted to ensure clinical context and terminology is accurate
  • Patient partners have been interviewed and graciously shared their lived experience using Voice Prostheses and Heat-Moisture Exchangers. Their valuable insights have been integrated throughout this update
  • We have restructured the report to presenting research findings alongside critical appraisal summaries to support clarity
  • We have added a specific detailed section to the report outlining the limitations of this rapid review
  • Conclusions of this report have been augmented, now providing both an overview of the evidence available, accompanied by lived experience of patient partners and the expertise of an experienced speech and language pathologist


  1. What is the clinical effectiveness of voice prostheses versus no voice prostheses for adults following total laryngectomy?
  2. What is the comparative clinical effectiveness of various indwelling and non-indwelling voice prostheses for adults following total laryngectomy, specifically comparing: indwelling versus indwelling devices, non-indwelling versus non-indwelling devices, and indwelling versus non-indwelling devices?
  3. What is the clinical effectiveness of heat and moisture exchangers compared to no heat and moisture exchanger for adults following total laryngectomy?
  4. What is the cost-effectiveness of voice prostheses versus no voice prostheses for adults following total laryngectomy?
  5. What is the comparative cost-effectiveness of various indwelling and non-indwelling voice prostheses for adults following total laryngectomy, specifically comparing: indwelling versus indwelling devices, non-indwelling versus non-indwelling devices, and indwelling versus non-indwelling devices?
  6. What is the cost-effectiveness of heat and moisture exchangers compared to no heat and moisture exchanger for adults following total laryngectomy?
  7. What are the evidence-based guidelines regarding the use of voice prostheses or heat and moisture exchangers for adults following total laryngectomy?

Call for feedback
Call for feedback :
Feedback Due By
Feedback Due By :
Consultation document
Consultation document : Version 2 Draft Updated Report
Product Line
Product Line : Health Technology Review
Project Number
Project Number : RC1551-000