
ICPE 2023

Event date: August 23 to 27, 2023 
Event location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

We are pleased to participate in the International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE). ICPE brings together more than 1,500 leaders representing industry, service providers, government and regulatory agencies, academia, consultants, and students from around the world. 

Tarry Ahuja, Director, Post-Market Drug Evaluation, will be speaking during the Introducing CoLab: The Evolution of US-Canada International Collaboration on Drug Safety and Effectiveness workshop on Friday, August 25. 

Nicole Mittmann, Chief Scientist and Vice President, Scientific Evidence, Methodologies, and Resources, will be a panellist on the Translating Real-World Evidence and Other Pharmacoepidemiological Research Findings into Policy and Clinical Practice workshop on Saturday, August 26. 

Learn more about ICPE