Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections for Chronic Tendinopathies in the Upper Extremities


Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Rapid Review
Project Number:
Expected finish date:


  1. What is the clinical effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma injections for the treatment of adults with chronic tendinopathies in the upper extremities?

Key Message

Findings from evidence syntheses describing the comparative clinical effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma injection (PRPi) in the treatment of chronic tendinopathies of the upper extremities were variable. Whereas findings describing function showed no clear demonstration of effect, some findings describing pain suggested there may be potential for a benefit of PRPi with higher concentrations of leukocytes or longer durations of follow-up. Lack of a clear demonstration of the comparative clinical effectiveness of PRPi in chronic tendinopathies of the upper extremities does not currently support decision-making in favour of its use.