Emergency Department Overcrowding in Canada: An Update


Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Optimal Use
Project Number:
OP0553-000 - RE0044-000

Emergency  departments (EDs) across Canada are under strain and experiencing overcrowding, a situation in which the demand for health services in the ED exceeds the capacity of the ED, hospital, or community to deliver quality care in a reasonable amount of time. Recent evidence suggests that ED overcrowding is worsening in jurisdictions across Canada. This is in addition to an increasing trend of unexpected temporary ED closures and reductions of services across the country.  

Canada's Drug Agency has published 5 new information and evidence reviews to inform decisions about evidence-based interventions to help alleviate ED overcrowding. The Canada's Drug Agency Health Technology Expert Review Panel also delivered guidance on the issue, which includes an Evidence Navigation Guide to support a stepwise approach to selecting and implementing appropriate interventions. This guidance is targeted to senior decision-makers, decision-making tables, and teams responsible for advancing health system priorities.

Visit the Emergency Department Overcrowding section of our website to access these reports and learn more.

Emergency Department Overcrowding

Visit the Emergency Department Overcrowding section of our website to access these reports and learn more.