Virtual Care Rapid Scoping


Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Scoping Review
Project Number:
Expected finish date:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of virtual care increased rapidly throughout the health care system in Canada as it was offered to maintain care delivery while physical distancing measures to control the spread of COVID-19 reduced in-person care. This rapid uptake highlighted different issues and uncertainties associated with delivering care virtually and the need for developing or improving approaches to guide the effective integration of virtual services within the health care delivery continuum.

It is expected that virtual services will continue to play a large role in how health care is delivered in Canada. To inform the appropriate use of virtual care, Canada's Drug Agency conducted rapid scoping to map out the current evidence landscape and identify knowledge gaps in this space. This webpage provides links to:

  • a main report that summarizes the findings
  • supporting information that provides details
  • summary figures, which offer an interactive tool for identifying relevant citations on certain categories
  • evidence maps, which can be downloaded to sort and identify references of interest in more detail
  • a report summary that is a brief of the report.