Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Review of the Guidelines


Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Summary with Critical Appraisal
Project Number:


  1. What are the evidence based-guidelines regarding the prevention, identification, or treatment of drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis?

Key Message

Ten evidence-based guidelines regarding drug-resistant tuberculosis were identified and included in this report. Seven guidelines include recommendations regarding the identification of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Nine guidelines include recommendations regarding the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Two guidelines include recommendations for infection control practices for caring for patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis.Overall, there are three high-quality guidelines and seven low-quality guidelines that include between three and 29 recommendations on drug-resistant tuberculosis. The recommendations vary in strength and the quality of the evidence. The population and setting of interest may determine which guideline(s) and which recommendation(s) are of interest.