Last Updated : December 8, 2020
Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Environmental Scan
Project Number:
Canada's Drug Agency is undertaking an Environmental Scan of the models of care coordination and funding that are in place in Canada for children and adolescents living with cerebral palsy (CP). This project is being conducted to help inform decision-making and to support the implementation of best practices to improve the health and well-being of children living with CP.
The key objectives of this Environmental Scan are to:
- determine the current state of care and funding for children and adolescents living with CP in Canada
- identify and describe the models of care coordination that are in place to manage the care of children and adolescents with CP
- identify and describe the funding of services provided to manage the care of children and adolescents with CP.
Last Updated : December 8, 2020