Last Updated : September 13, 2019
Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Environmental Scan
Project Number:
Final Biosimilar Summary Dossier Issued:
A 2018 review of pan-Canadian health organizations highlighted the importance of coordinating health technology assessment (HTA) work on non-drug technologies across Canada. The pan-Canadian HTA Collaborative (created in 2011) is a network that includes five Canadian HTA agencies. Collaboration in HTA occurs through this collaborative, as well as through other local networks and relationships. This Environmental Scan will collect information on HTA collaborations in Canada to provide a foundation for further engagement.
The specific objectives are:
- to identify organizations and research groups actively involved in producing HTA work in Canada to describe HTA producers’ organizational mandates, the types of HTA work conducted, and their production capacities
- to identify overlaps, gaps in service, and available HTA resources across Canada
- to determine how HTA producers collaborate with each other in local, regional, provincial, and national jurisdictions or networks — including identifying barriers and facilitators to collaboration.
Last Updated : September 13, 2019