Last Updated : March 13, 2025
CADTH and Choosing Wisely Canada have convened a time-limited advisory panel to provide guidance on the minimum retesting intervals for 5 commonly used lab tests in Canada.
Lab testing is a critical component of effective patient care and is a high-volume medical activity in Canada. The importance of lab resource stewardship is being addressed by Choosing Wisely Canada through Using Labs Wisely, a consortium of more than 140 hospitals committed to driving the appropriate use of lab testing in Canada. Hospital labs participating in Using Labs Wisely identified a need for guidance on the minimum retesting intervals for commonly used lab tests, given variable hospital lab practices across Canada.
The Advisory Panel on Minimum Retesting Intervals for Lab Tests is composed of leaders from across the country, including lab experts, physician specialists, and a patient representative, and was established to provide evidence-informed consensus guidance to support decision-making in hospitals participating in this Using Labs Wisely initiative, and potentially other hospital and community labs across Canada.
Developing the Recommendations
Panel experts considered patient group input, literature reviews, and clinical expertise on the use and frequency of repeat lab testing to support development of consensus guidance on minimum retesting intervals for 5 commonly used lab tests in prespecified patient populations.
The panel will be reviewing lab tests in prespecified patient populations:
- hemoglobin A1c
- lipase panel
- thyroid stimulating hormone
- antinuclear antibody
- serum protein electrophoresis.
The final guidance will be published in the Canadian Journal of Health Technologies and on our website in spring 2024.
Expert Panel Members
Core Panel Members
- Dr. Daniel Beriault, Clinical Biochemist and Fellow, Canadian Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, Ontario
- Dr. Manal Elnenaei, Head of the Medical Biochemistry Division, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Nova Scotia Health Authority; Professor at Dalhousie University
- Dr. Rosilene Kraft, Professional Engineer, British Columbia
- Dr. Janet Simons, Medical Biochemist and Internist, Providence Health Care; Assistant Clinical Professor, University of British Columbia
- Dr. Alex Singer, Family Physician Clinician-Teacher and Director of Research and Quality Improvement, University of Manitoba
- Dr. Li Wang, Medical Biochemist, BC Children's and Women's Hospital and Health Centre; Clinical Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
- Dr. Yan Yu, Family Physician, Alberta and Northwest Territories
Specialist Panel Members
- Dr. Natalia Calo, Therapeutic Endoscopist, St. Michael's Hospital Division of Gastroenterology; Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto
- Dr. Matthew Cheung, Clinician-Investigator and Clinical Hematologist, Odette Cancer Centre/Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Professor, University of Toronto
- Dr. Nowell Fine, Heart Failure Cardiologist and Echocardiologist and Associate Clinical Professor, University of Calgary
- Dr. Michael Khoury, Pediatric Cardiologist and Assistant Professor at the Stollery Children’s Hospital, University of Alberta
- Dr. Ferhan Siddiqi, Endocrinologist, Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre; Associate Professor, Dalhousie University; Chair, Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism Quality Improvement Committee, Nova Scotia
- Dr. William Silverstein, General Internist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
- Dr. Carter Thorne, Consultant Staff Rheumatologist, Southlake Regional Health; Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
CADTH is an independent, not-for-profit agency funded by Canadian federal, provincial, and territorial governments (except Quebec) to provide credible, impartial advice and evidence-based information about the effectiveness of drugs and other health technologies to health care decision-makers in Canada.
About Choosing Wisely Canada
Choosing Wisely Canada is the national voice for reducing unnecessary tests and treatments in health care. One of its important functions is to help clinicians and patients engage in conversations that lead to smart and effective care choices. Choosing Wisely Canada is led by a team of clinicians and staff based at St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto), the University of Toronto, and in collaboration with the Canadian Medical Association.
Last Updated : March 13, 2025