Last Updated : December 4, 2024
Maureen Smith has a long history of collaboration with health care systems, subsequent to a rare disease diagnosis in childhood. She has brought her lived experience to her role as a patient member on the Ontario Committee to Evaluate Drugs since 2014 and the Ontario Health Technology Assessment Committee since 2016. She was honoured to receive a Canada Drug Agency Anniversary Medal in 2024.
Maureen has been a patient advocate for more than 25 years, serving on provincial, national, and international committees and advisory groups in the areas of rare diseases, evidence synthesis, and patient and public involvement in methodological research. She is an enthusiastic patient partner for a number of research studies funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, where she often works with research teams to engage patients in a meaningful way. In 2023, Maureen was appointed Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health, a recognition of the skills she has acquired in patient engagement.