Laxatives and Erectile Dysfunction Medications to Treat Side Effects of Opioid Agonist and Methadone Maintenance Therapy


Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Rapid Review
Project Number:


1. What is the clinical effectiveness of laxatives to treat constipation in patients undergoing opioid agonist therapy or methadone maintenance treatment? 2. What is the clinical effectiveness of erectile dysfunction medication to treat sexual dysfunction in patients undergoing opioid agonist therapy or methadone maintenance treatment? 3. What are the evidence-based guidelines regarding laxatives or erectile dysfunction medication for patients undergoing opioid agonist therapy or methadone maintenance treatment?

Key Message

Opioid agonist and methadone maintenance therapies are essential medical interventions for effectively managing opioid use disorder. However, side effects, including constipation and erectile dysfunction can compromise treatment adherence and increase the risk of relapse. No studies or guidelines describing the clinical effectiveness or recommendations for the use of laxatives or erectile dysfunction medications in the treatment of constipation or erectile dysfunction in patients undergoing OAT or MMT were identified. Research is needed to understand the clinical effectiveness and inform guidance concerning the treatment of constipation with laxatives and the use of medications indicated for erectile dysfunction.