Last Updated : August 13, 2020
FilesProject Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Health Technology Assessment
Project Number:
eConsult (also known as e-Consultation, electronic consultation, or remote consultation) is a type of asynchronous telehealth (also known as store-and-forward) that connects primary care providers with specialists. In an eConsult service, primary care providers send a request for consultation through the system to a specialist, who then responds directly to the question(s), requests additional information, and/or schedules an appointment. eConsult services may be offered as an extension of an organization’s electronic health record system or as a standalone secure internet-based system.
In consultation with its customers, Canada's Drug Agency produced a briefing note and a summary addressing the available information relevant to: cost considerations to ensure the sustainability of eConsult services, strengths and limitations of eConsult delivery models, considerations for the integration of eConsult into clinical workflows, ethical and professional considerations related to eConsult services, best practices, and models of interjurisdictional licensing that enable providers to provide consultation outside of their jurisdiction.
Last Updated : August 13, 2020