Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for People With Multiple Sclerosis


Project Status:
Project Line:
Horizon Scan
Project Sub Line:
Optimal Use
Project Number:
EH0093 / OP0551

A growing evidence base suggests that autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is a clinically effective emerging intervention for select people with aggressive or highly active relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) who experience limited disease control with disease-modifying therapies. Canada's Drug Agency has published a Horizon Scan bulletin, an accompanying Rapid Response report, and gathered insights through clinical experts, a patient expert, and published international guidelines to provide health care stakeholders in Canada an overview of evidence, information, and perspectives related to AHSCT for the treatment of MS.

Based on this information, the Canada's Drug Agency Health Technology Expert Review Panel (HTERP) has developed guidance to help health systems prepare for the uptake of AHSCT for the treatment of MS should emerging evidence continue to signal clinical benefit and an appropriate safety profile. The development of HTERP’s guidance followed a similar procedure as typically applied to Optimal Use projects.