Student applicants must:
- provide proof of full-time enrolment in a program relevant to our work at a university or college in Canada.
- submit a letter of recommendation from a professor or advisor.
Patient or caregiver applicants must:
- be affiliated with a not-for-profit, patient-related organization, or healthcare organization (e.g. Patient and Family Advisory Council) or a citizen’s group interested in health policy.
- submit a letter of recommendation from a senior member of the organization.
Members of equity-deserving groups must:
- be affiliated with or endorsed by a community group, network, or association working to improve equity in health systems.
- submit a letter of recommendation from a member of the community group, network or association.
Preference will be given to applicants who:
- have an abstract accepted for presentation at the 2024 Symposium
- have submitted an abstract to the 2024 Symposium
- clearly demonstrate an interest in work
- have not previously received a Symposium travel award.
Deadline for applications: Friday, April 19, 2024.
Eligible expenses include:
- travel by air, train, bus, or private vehicle
- hotel or other accommodations
- incidentals, including taxies
- meals (other than those provided at the Symposium)
- symposium registration to a maximum of the registration rate for the applicant’s category
- social event fee ($125)
- other costs (e.g., additional childcare)
Requests for 2024 Symposium Travel Awards must contain:
- confirmation of enrolment status from a university, or of the applicant’s involvement from the patient or healthcare organization, or of the applicant’s involvement in a community group, network or association working to improve equity in health systems
- a brief summary of interests and accomplishments
- description of anticipated benefits and learning from attending the 2024 Symposium
- a cost estimate
- a letter of recommendation
N.B. Please ensure you have all the required information before you submit your application.
The maximum allowable travel award is $3,000, and we may elect to award only a portion of the funding requested depending on factors such as the number of requests for travel awards received and a review of estimated costs. We may be unable to fund all requests.
Last Updated : March 14, 2025