La colite ulcéreuse (CU) et la maladie de Crohn (MC) sont des maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin (MII); elles sont considérées comme distinctes l’une de l’autre. Selon Crohn et Colite Canada, en 2018, il y avait environ 270 000 Canadiens et Canadiennes vivant avec une MII. Plus de 10 200 nouveaux cas de MII sont diagnostiqués chaque année au pays (5 700 avec la MC et 4 500 avec la CU), soit une incidence de 0,7 %. Environ 20 % à 30 % des personnes atteintes de MII sont diagnostiquées avant l’âge de 20 ans. Le Canada a l’une des incidences et des prévalences les plus élevées de MII dans le monde1.
La MC peut affecter n’importe quelle partie du tractus gastro-intestinal, mais affecte le plus souvent l’intestin grêle (principalement l’iléon), le côlon ascendant (c.-à-d. le début du gros intestin) et le rectum. Les symptômes gastro-intestinaux courants comprennent des douleurs abdominales, de la diarrhée, des saignements rectaux, de la fatigue, des vomissements, des démangeaisons ou des irritations autour de l’anus, des flatulences et des ballonnements. Les patients atteints de la MC peuvent développer des complications anatomiques plus graves avec la formation de fistules intestinales ou rectales et de strictures. Les patients ayant la MC avec fistulisation (MCD) sont pris en charge différemment de ceux avec une MC luminale courante (MCL). D’autre part, la CU affecte le côlon et l’inflammation conduit à de la diarrhée, de la douleur et des selles sanglantes. Les patients atteints de MII présentent un risque accru de développer un cancer du côlon.
Les médicaments utilisés pour traiter les MII comprennent les aminosalicylates, les corticostéroïdes, les thiopurines (azathioprine et la 6-mercaptopurine), la cyclosporine, le méthotrexate et les produits biologiques. Les produits biologiques utilisés pour traiter les MII sont présentés dans le tableau 1. L’adalimumab, le golimumab et l’infliximab sont des antagonistes des facteurs de nécrose tumorale (TNF), l’ustekinumab est un inhibiteur de l’interleukine (IL)-12/IL-23 et le védolizumab se lie à l’intégrine alpha-4-Bêta-7. Les médicaments peuvent être administrés pour l’induction de la rémission et pour l’entretien (c.-à-d. la prévention des rechutes). Les produits biologiques ou immunomodulateurs pharmacologiques (thiopurine, cyclosporine et méthotrexate) sont particulièrement utiles lorsque les stéroïdes n’ont pas réussi à induire la rémission (résistance aux corticostéroïdes), lorsque les stéroïdes ne peuvent pas être retirés du traitement sans réapparition des symptômes (dépendance aux corticostéroïdes) ou pour prévenir les rechutes après la rémission induite par stéroïdes et l’arrêt de l’utilisation de stéroïdes (entretien). Deux grands paradigmes de traitement peuvent être utilisés pour gérer les MII. Le traitement conventionnel ascendant comporte généralement l’utilisation séquentielle d’aminosalicylates, de stéroïdes, d’immunomodulateurs et enfin de produits biologiques, tandis que le traitement descendant utilise les produits biologiques (parfois combinés avec des immunomodulateurs) comme première étape du traitement. La figure 1 résume les séquences de traitement pour les stratégies ascendantes et descendantes. Il est à noter que ni les produits biologiques ni les immunomodulateurs ne sont indiqués comme traitements de première intention pour la MC au Canada.
Tableau 1 : Résumé des indications de Santé Canada concernant les produits biologiques et les maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin
Médicament | MC Adulte | MC Enfant | MC avec fistulisation | CU Adulte | CU Enfant |
adalimumab | ✓ | ✓ | x | ✓ | ✓ |
golimumab | x | x | x | ✓ | x |
infliximab-biosimilaire | ✓ | x | ✓ | ✓ | x |
infliximab | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
ustékinumab | ✓ | x | x | x | x |
védolizumab | ✓ | x | x | ✓ | x |
MC = maladie de Crohn; CU = colite ulcéreuse.
L’escalade dans les traitements des MII est entrainée par une réponse clinique sous-optimale au traitement. L’évaluation de ces traitements s’est traditionnellement appuyée sur le signalement des symptômes par les patients. Cependant, le milieu de la recherche considère cette méthode comme imprécise; elle a peu d’impact sur l’histoire naturelle de la maladie et peut entrainer des retards et une prise en charge des patients sous-optimales3,4. Des méthodes d’évaluation plus fiables, quantitatives et rapides utilisant des biomarqueurs sériques, différentes concentrations médicamenteuses ou des examens endoscopiques sont proposées comme alternatives à la prise en charge conventionnelle. Ces méthodes modernes et les systèmes de prise de décision connexes sont considérés comme le paradigme du « traitement à objectif quantifié »3.
Policy Issue
While biologics have shown efficacy in the treatment of IBD, their availability by Canadian public drug programs is tightly controlled because of their high cost. All Canadian drug plans require IBD patients to fulfill certain criteria before the reimbursement of biologics is granted, and renewals are also contingent on patient condition and response to treatment. In many cases, Canadian public drug programs require a moderate-to-severe luminal CD or UC patient to have failed therapy with an immunomodulator (e.g., azathioprine, 6-mecaptopurine) after a course of CS before being eligible for reimbursement of a biologic (i.e., biologics are positioned as third-line therapies). For illustrative purposes, Appendix 1 lists the Ontario Public Drug Programs (OPDP) coverage criteria for all biologics available for IBD. Table 2 summarizes these criteria and infers the resulting treatment sequence imposed in clinical practice for patients covered by these programs.
Table 2: Simplified Conceptual Treatment Sequence in Ontario Based on OPDP Biologic Coverage Criteria
First-Line | Second-Line | Third-Line | |
Fistulizing CD | Antibiotics or thiopurines | Alternate first-line | Biologics |
Luminal CD (moderate-to-severe) | CSa | Immunomodulators (thiopurines, methotrexate, cyclosporine) | Biologics |
UC (moderate-to-severe) | CSa | Thiopurines (for CS-dependent UC) Biologics (for severe CS-resistant UC) | Biologics |
CD = Crohn disease; CS = corticosteroids; OPDP = Ontario Public Drug Programs; UC = ulcerative colitis.
a While aminosalicylates can be given before CS for moderate-to-severe CD and UC, they are not required by policy prior to biologic initiation.
Emerging evidence suggests that using a biologic early on during the course of the disease (top-down or accelerated step-up approach) may be more effective than conventional treatment.2 In addition, the Ontario Association of Gastroenterology argues that, in many use cases, immunomodulators (especially thiopurines) are not as effective and safe as once believed and constitute an unnecessary barrier to the optimal care of IBD patients using biologics.5 Hence, some Canadian public drug plans are reconsidering reimbursement criteria for biologics used in IBD. Canadian jurisdictions have asked Canada's Drug Agency to provide summaries and assessments of the clinical evidence that would be used to support a revision of these criteria.
To help orient research, the following policy questions were submitted:
Policy Question(s)
- Should reimbursement criteria permit biologic therapy for patients with moderate-to-severe luminal Crohn disease who have not received trials of both glucocorticoids and immunomodulators?
- Should reimbursement criteria permit first-line biologic therapy for patients with fistulizing Crohn disease?
- Should reimbursement criteria for biologic therapy for patients with UC include any requirements for prior immunomodulator therapy?
The purpose of this Canada's Drug Agency Technology Review is to summarize the evidence findings regarding drug therapy for IBD as identified by independent Canada's Drug Agency rapid Health Technology Assessment products designed to address the policy questions mentioned previously. It will also provide an additional perspective, including an analysis of international treatment guidelines and further discussion on implications for decision-making in order to assist the translation of current evidence into policy, practice, and future research.
To answer the policy questions stated in the previous section, Canada's Drug Agency developed a hierarchical, phase-wise research approach.
Phase 1: Treatment sequencing with early introduction of biologics
The policy questions posed in this project can be answered by comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of entire IBD treatment algorithms, whereby pharmacotherapy is escalated according to sequences specified a priori. Evidence comparing top-down algorithms that focused on early biologic initiation with conventional (step-up) treatment algorithms was searched, summarized, and assessed. The following research questions (RQ) guided this phase of research:
- What is the clinical effectiveness and safety of early biologic treatment compared with conventional step-up treatment for luminal CD?
- What is the cost-effectiveness of early biologic treatment compared with conventional step-up treatment for luminal CD?
- What is the clinical effectiveness and safety of early biologic treatment compared with conventional step-up treatment for fistulizing CD?
- What is the cost-effectiveness of early biologic treatment compared with conventional step-up treatment for fistulizing CD?
- What is the clinical effectiveness and safety of early biologic treatment compared with conventional step-up treatment for UC?
- What is the cost-effectiveness of early biologic treatment compared with conventional step-up treatment for UC?
As an initial exploratory step, Canada's Drug Agency Rapid Response Reference Lists were prepared for LCD, FCD, and UC (RQ1-2, RQ3-4, RQ5-6, respectively) in order to determine if any evidence could be found to answer these questions.6-8 When sufficient evidence was found, the rapid review was upgraded to a peer-reviewed summary with critical appraisal.9,10
Please see the individual reports for detailed methods and scope. If no clinical and economic evidence was found regarding treatment sequences, research proceeded to the next phase.
Phase 2: Comparison between biologics and immunomodulators
When insufficient evidence comparing treatment sequences was found, a more focused comparison of biologics, immunomodulators, and antibiotics (the latter for FCD, only) was conducted to inform the relative place in therapy of each class. The following RQs guided this phase of research:
- What is the clinical effectiveness and safety of biologics (with or without concomitant immunomodulators) compared with immunomodulators or antibiotics for the treatment of fistulizing CD?
- What is the cost-effectiveness of biologics (with or without concomitant immunomodulators) compared with immunomodulators or antibiotics for the treatment of fistulizing CD?
- What is the clinical effectiveness and safety of biologics (with or without concomitant immunomodulators) compared with immunomodulators for the treatment of UC?
- What is the cost-effectiveness of biologics (with or without concomitant immunomodulators) compared with immunomodulators for the treatment of UC?
A Rapid Response summary with critical appraisal10 was prepared to answer questions 1 and 2, and a peer-reviewed summary with critical appraisal11 was commissioned for questions 3 and 4. See the reports for detailed methods and scope.
Complementary Questions
In addition to the main clinical and economic questions, Canada's Drug Agency conducted supplemental research to identify emerging evidence on treat-to-target approaches applied to IBD management. The following research question was addressed in a Rapid Response summary of abstracts.12
- What is the clinical and cost-effectiveness of treat-to-target management compared with conventional management of IBD?
Finally, to provide a more clinical context, a review of domestic and international evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on the management of CD and UC was conducted. Information on treatment sequences and the place in therapy of various drug classes was extracted from each guideline and summarized in Table 7. The following RQ guided this portion of the project:
- What are the evidence-based guidelines on the use of biologics in the treatment of CD (including fistulizing CD) and UC?
The methods used to search for guidelines of interest can be found in the Rapid Response Report entitled Sequencing of Pharmacological Management of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: A Review of Guidelines.13
Phase 1: Treatment sequencing with early introduction of biologics
The following Canada's Drug Agency Rapid Response reviews were commissioned to address the RQs posed in this research phase:
Early Biologic Treatment versus Conventional Step-Up Treatment for the Management of Fistulizing Crohn’s Disease: Comparative Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness
Early Biologic Treatment versus Conventional Treatment for the Management of Luminal Crohn’s Disease: Comparative Clinical Effectiveness and Cost- Effectiveness
Early Biologic Treatment versus Conventional Treatment for the Management of Crohn’s Disease: A Review of Comparative Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness
Early Biologic Treatment versus Conventional Step-Up Treatment for the Management of Ulcerative Colitis: Comparative Clinical Effectiveness, Cost- Effectiveness, and Guidelines
No evidence on early biologic sequencing was identified for FCD or UC.6,8 As a result, the RQs were not addressed and research was moved to the next phase. For LCD, a number of potentially relevant studies were identified in the report’s main section and appendix.7 This review was therefore upgraded and a full synthesis and critical appraisal of the studies was conducted. Finally, the draft report was peer-reviewed by a clinical expert in the field of gastroenterology.9 Findings for the latter report are summarized in Table 3 and Table 4.
Table 3: Findings of the Clinical Studies Identified in the Rapid Response Report on LCD
Study | Comparisons | Key Findings |
Adults With LCD | ||
Khanna et al. (2015)14 RCT N = 1,982 |
No significant difference between groups for remission rates or disease scores. No difference in quality of life, mortality, or rate of hospitalization.a Statistically significant reduction in rate of complications of CD in the ECI group.b Statistically significant reduction in rate of surgery for the ECI group.b |
D’Haens et al. (2008)15 RCT N = 133 |
Significantly higher remission rate at both 26 and 52 weeks for ECI versus conventional treatment;b but no significant difference at 78 and 104 weeks.a Significantly longer time to relapse for ECI.b Statistically significantly greater reduction in disease score and improvement in quality of life (10 weeks) for ECI.b Endoscopy score and number of ulcers lower in the ECI group.b No difference in surgeries or hospitalizations.a |
Hoekman et al. (2018)16 Long-term follow-up of RCT (8 years)15 N = 119 |
No difference in remission, hospitalization, or surgery rates.a No difference in fistula or ulcer development.a Statistically longer median time to flare and lower flare rates for ECI.b Serious infections more common in the ECI group.c |
D’Haens (et al.), 201717 Prospective registry N = 2,2662 |
Early biologics: increased risk of serious infections and hematological conditions, with no increase in malignancy or lymphoproliferative disorders.c |
Fan et al. (2014)18 Prospective study N = 77 |
Significantly higher proportion of mucosal healing, endoscopic remission, and deep remission for top-down ECI at week 30;b but not at week 54 or later a Significantly faster clinical remission with ECI.b |
Ghazi et al. (2013)19 Retrospective chart review N = 93 |
No difference in disease activity;a statistically greater improvement in symptoms in the anti-TNF group at 3 months;b but not at 6 or 12 months.a Statistically greater improvement in quality of life for anti-TNF at 6 months;b but not at 3 or 12 months.a No difference in the number of surgeries.a Higher need for hospitalization for early biologic group.c |
Rubin et al. (2012)20 Retrospective cohort N = 3,750 |
Significantly fewer surgeries with upfront anti-TNF.b |
Children and Adolescents With LCD | ||
Kang et al. (2016)21 Prospective study N = 76 |
No significant difference in clinical remission at 1 year.a No difference in disease activity.a No difference in mucosal healing at week 14;a but significantly higher with top-down at week 54.b Significantly better endoscopic response (low SES-CD score) with top-down at weeks 14 and 54.b No difference in adverse events between groups.a |
Lee et al. (2015)22 Retrospective review of a prospective study N = 51 |
Significantly more (two-fold) patients in ECI group are relapse-free after 1 year versus step-up. Significantly fewer relapses at 2 and 3 years with ECI.b No difference in overall adverse events between groups.a More leukopenia, nausea, and vomiting in top-down.c More pancreatitis in step-up.b |
Walters et al. (2014)23 Prospective observational study N = 552 |
Significantly higher remission rate with early anti-TNF versus other groups at 1 year.b |
Lee et al. (2012)24 Retrospective chart review N = 28 |
Significantly lower relapse rate at year 2 in the top-down group;b but not at 1 and 3 years.a |
Kim et al. (2011)25 Retrospective chart review N = 29 |
Significantly higher remission rate and lower disease scores with early anti-TNF versus conventional therapy at 8 weeks and 1 year.b Significantly greater rate of fistula closure with early anti-TNF.b No notable differences in safety between groups.a |
Lee et al. (2010)26 Retrospective chart review N = 36 |
Early infliximab better at preventing relapse (no statistical testing).a Fewer adverse events in early biologic group.a |
5-ASA = 5-aminosalicylic acid; AZA = azathioprine; CD = Crohn disease; CS = corticosteroids; ECI = early combined immunosuppression; LCD = luminal Crohn disease; TNF = tumour necrosis factor; RCT = randomized controlled trial; SES-CD = Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease.
a No significant difference.
b Favours early biologic therapy
c Favours conventional therapy.
Table 4: Findings of the Economic Studies Identified in the Rapid Response Report on LCD
Study | Comparisons | Key Findings |
Marchetti et al. (2013)27 |
Top-down therapy improved quality-adjusted life expectancy from 3.76 to 3.90 QALYs, with a cost savings of €773 compared to step-up therapy. 84% of replicates were below a threshold of €20,000/QALY for top-down. Cost-effectiveness of top-down increases over time and becomes dominant at year 5.a |
LCD = luminal Crohn disease; QALY = quality-adjusted life-year.
a Favours early biologic therapy.
Phase 2: Comparison between biologics and conventional therapies for FCD and UC
The following Canada's Drug Agency Rapid Response Summary with Critical Appraisal reports were commissioned to address the RQs posed in this research phase:
Biologics versus Immunomodulators or Antibiotics for the Management of Fistulizing Crohn’s Disease: A Review of Comparative Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness
Biologics versus Immunomodulators for the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis: A Review of Comparative Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness
Findings for the latter reports are summarized in Table 5 and Table 6.
Table 5: Findings of the Clinical Studies Identified in the Rapid Response Reports on FCD and UC
Study | Comparisons | Key Findings |
Adults with FCD | ||
Wu et al. (2016)28 Open-label RCT N = 42 |
All patients received enteral nutrition |
Statistically significant improvement in disease scores with infliximab compared with conventional therapy.a Significantly more likely to experience fistula healing with infliximab after 30 weeks of treatment (infliximab: 90.0%; conventional: 27.3%).a No difference in inflammatory markers.b |
Adults with UC | ||
Williams et al. (2016)29 Open-label RCT N = 270 Severe, CS-resistant UC |
No significant difference in quality-adjusted survival, mortality, colectomy rates, time to colectomy, lengths of hospital stay after randomization, severe adverse reactions or severe adverse effects, and quality of life measures.b Cyclosporine associated with significantly longer log-transformed hospital stays than infliximab.a |
Panaccione et al. (2014)30 Double-blind RCT N = 230 |
Combination of intravenous infliximab and oral azathioprine significantly more effective than infliximab or azathioprine alone in corticosteroid-free remission at week 16.a Infliximab plus azathioprine was more effective than azathioprine in mucosal healing but similarly effective as infliximab.a |
CD= Crohn disease; CS = corticosteroids; FCD = fistulizing Crohn disease; RCT= randomized controlled trial; UC = ulcerative colitis
a Favours biologic therapy.
b No significant difference.
Table 6: Findings of the Economic Studies Identified in the Rapid Response Report on FCD
Study | Comparisons | Key Findings |
Arseneau et al.(2001)31 |
ICER (cost/QALY) relative to 6-MP and metronidazole is $505,796 for first-line infliximab and $513,552 for infliximab episodic reinfusions (expressed as 2017 US dollars, as per Pillai et al. (2017).32 |
Lindsay et al. (2008)33 |
ICER (cost/QALY) of infliximab relative to standard care is $51,397 (expressed as 2017 US dollars as per Pillai et al. (2017).32 |
6-MP = 6-mercaptopurine; FCD = fistulizing Crohn disease; ICER = incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QALY = quality-adjusted life-year.
Complementary Research
A Canada's Drug Agency Rapid Response summary of abstracts12 was commissioned to address the following RQs:
- What is the clinical effectiveness of treat-to-target management compared with conventional management of IBD?
- What is the cost-effectiveness of treat-to-target management compared with conventional clinical management of IBD?
One randomized controlled trial (the CALM trial34) was identified regarding the clinical effectiveness of treat-to-target compared with conventional management of IBD. The authors of this study compared mucosal healing outcomes for patients (N = 122 per group) on a “tight control” algorithm driven by a combination of biomarkers and symptoms with patients managed with a symptoms-based clinical management algorithm. The authors observed that a significantly higher proportion of patients in the tight control group (46%) achieved the primary end point of mucosal healing by the end of the study than those in the clinical management group (30%). The authors suggested that “timely escalation with an antitumour necrosis factor therapy on the basis of clinical symptoms combined with biomarkers in patients with early Crohn's disease results in better clinical and endoscopic outcomes than symptom-driven decisions alone.” 34 No economic study was identified.
Guidelines on Treatment Sequencing
Canadian and international evidence-based guidelines on the management of IBD were identified and analyzed. For the complete search methodology, please refer to the Canada's Drug Agency Rapid Response report entitled Sequencing of Pharmacological Management of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: A Review of Guidelines.13 Statements on the recommended pharmacological options were extracted from the guideline documents and used to infer the relative position of drugs in the treatment sequence of IBD. Table 7 summarizes this information, organized by treatment phase (induction, maintenance) and line of therapy. Please see the referred guideline documents for more details and context.
Table 7: Summary of Recommendations for Pharmacological Therapy of Moderate-to-Severe IBD
Title, Guideline Development Group, Year of Publication | Population Relevant to the Recommendations | First-Line Pharmacotherapy for the Induction of Remission | First-Line Pharmacotherapy for the Maintenance of Remission | Second-Line Pharmacotherapy for Induction or Maintenance | Third-Line Pharmacotherapy for Induction or Maintenance |
Crohn Disease | |||||
ACG clinical guideline: management of Crohn disease in adults (2018)35 Gradinga,b |
LUMINAL CD Adult patients |
Oral corticosteroids**†† (p148) Severe/Fulminant disease: Intravenous corticosteroids*†† (p502) |
Methotrexate*† (p499) Azathioprine, 6-mercaptourine**†† (p499) Combination anti-TNF and thiopurines**‡ (p500) Vedolizumab*†† (p506) Natalizumab*†† (p506) |
INDUCTION Anti-TNF**†† (p499) Severe/Fulminant disease Anti-TNF agents**†† (p502) |
INDUCTION Ustekinumab**‡ (p502) |
FISTULIZING CD Adult patients |
Infliximab**†† (p502) Adalimumab, certolizumab pegol**† (p502) Azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine**† (p502) |
Consensus guidelines of ECCO/ESPGHAN on the medical management of pediatric Crohn disease (2014)36 Gradingc |
LUMINAL CD Patients at risk for poor outcomes unless otherwise indicated |
Oral corticosteroids (EL2 – Pediatrics, EL1 – adults, 96% agreement) (p1183) | For steroid-free remission: Thiopurines (EL2 – Pediatrics, EL1 – Adults, 96% agreement) (p1185) Methotrexate (EL4 – Pediatrics, EL1 – Adults, 96% agreement) (p1187) | Anti-TNF (EL2, 100% agreement) (p1188) | |
FISTULIZING CD Patients at risk for poor outcomes unless otherwise indicated |
Antibiotics (EL3 – pediatrics, EL1 – adults, 80% agreement) (p1184) Severe fistulizing disease: Anti-TNF + antibiotics as adjuvant (EL3, 88% agreement) (p1184) |
Anti-TNF (EL2, 84% agreement) (p1188) | INDUCTION Anti-TNF + appropriate surgical intervention (EL2, 84% agreement) (p1188) |
3rd European Evidence-based Consensus on the Diagnosis and Management of Crohn's Disease 2016: Part 1: Diagnosis and Medical Management, ECCO (2017)37 Gradingc |
Patients with Crohn disease | Steroids with an immunomodulator (for infrequently relapsing disease) [EL2] (p12) Moderate: Budesonide [EL1], or systemic corticosteroids [EL1] (p12) Severe: Systemic corticosteroids [EL1] (p12) |
Thiopurines ((EL1)) or methotrexate ((EL3)) (p19) For immunosuppressive- naive and corticosteroid-dependent patients: Thiopurine (EL1) Methotrexate (EL2) Anti-TNF (EL1) (p19) Aggressive/severe disease: Anti-TNF (EL5) (p19) |
Anti-TNF ± thiopurines (EL1) (p12, p. 20) Vedolizumab (EL1) (p12) |
When refractory to anti-TNF Vedolizumab (EL1) (p12) |
NICE/NCGC clinical guideline (CG152): the management of Crohn disease in adults, children, and young people (2013)38 Gradingd |
Adults, children, and young people with Crohn disease Note: The severity of disease for these recommendations is unclear |
For people with a first presentation or a single inflammatory exacerbation of CD in a 12-month period: Conventional glucocorticosteroid monotherapy (prednisolone, methylprednisolone, or IV hydrocortisone) [Low-, moderate-, high-quality evidence from RCTs and original CE model] (p197) Conventional glucocorticosteroids in combination with azathioprine or mercaptopurine [Evidence base: very low-, low- and moderate-quality evidence from RCTs and original CE model] (p. 198), or budesonide [Very low-quality evidence from RCTs and original CE model] (p198) For non-severe disease: Budesonide [Low-quality evidence from RCTs and original cost-effectiveness model] (p197) |
Azathioprine or mercaptopurine “particularly for those with adverse prognostic factors such as early age of onset, perianal disease, glucocorticosteroid use at presentation and severe presentations” [Low- and moderate-quality evidence from RCTs and original CE model] (p199) |
INDUCTION For non-severe disease: 5-aminosalicylate [Very low-, low-, moderate-, high-quality evidence from RCTs] (p198) MAINTENANCE Methotrexate [Low-quality evidence from RCTs] (p199) |
Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for Crohn disease, integrated with formal consensus of experts in Japan, Japanese Society of Gastroenterology and Research Group of Intractable IBD (2013)39 Gradinge (Recommendation grade, level of evidence; appropriateness of statements)f |
Patients (excluding children and elderly) with CD * designed for practice in Japan |
Oral steroids (prednisolone) (B, III; 8) (p54) Severe to fulminant CD: Antimicrobials for signs of infection (C1, VI; 8) (p54) IV steroids (prednisolone) if infection is excluded (C1, VI; 8) (p54) |
Azathioprine (A, I; 9) (p. 58) | INDUCTION Anti-TNF agent (A, II; 8) (p54) Severe to fulminant CD: Anti-TNF (C1, V; 8) (p54) MAINTENANCE For anti-TNF induced remission: Anti-TNF (A, II; 8) (p58) |
Patients (excluding children and elderly) with Crohn disease FISTULIZING CD |
Fistulas: Immunomodulators (A, I; 8) (p56) Anti-TNF (A, II; 9) (p56) For perianal fistulas: Anti-TNF (A, II; 8) (p55) Antimicrobial drugs and immunomodulators (A, I; 8) (p55) |
Ulcerative Colitis | |||||
Management of Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis, Part 2: Acute Severe Colitis — an Evidence-based Consensus Guideline From the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization and the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (2018)40 Gradingc |
Children with acute severe ulcerative colitis (ASC) | IV methylprednisolone (EL2, EL1 – adults, 100% agreement) (p297) | Thiopurine (after response to IVCS) or mesalamine for rapid response to steroids and mesalamine-naive before admission (EL4, EL3 – Adults, 100% agreement) (p303) | INDUCTION Infliximab for anti-TNF-naive children [EL3, EL1 – Adults, 100% agreement) (p300) MAINTENANCE For patients who responded, continue maintenance with infliximab (EL2, EL2 – Adults, 100% agreement) (p303) Calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus and cyclosporine) (EL4, EL1 – Adults, 100% agreement) (p300) |
Management of Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis, Part 1: Ambulatory Care — an Evidence-based Guideline From European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization and European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (2018)41 Gradingc |
Ambulatory children and adolescents with UC | Systemic moderate disease: Oral steroids (EL3, EL1 – adults, 100% agreement) Note: may also be considered for not-systemically ill severe disease (p266) Severe UC: IV steroids [EL2, EL1 – adults, 98% agreement) (p266) |
5-ASA “Practice point” (93% agreement) For corticosteroid-dependent or frequent (≥ 2 per year) relapses: Thiopurines (EL3, EL1 – adults, 98% agreement) (p. 267) Severe UC: Thiopurines should be considered following discharge from acute severe colitis episode (EL4, EL3 – adults, 98% agreement) (p267) |
INDUCTION and MAINTENANCE For chronically active or steroid-dependent UC: Infliximab (EL2, EL1 – adults, 100% agreement) (p269) |
INDUCTION and MAINTENANCE For chronically active or steroid-dependant UC: Adalimumab (EL4, EL4 –adults, or golimumab (EL4, EL3 – adults), with primary non-response to infliximab (95% agreement) (p269) Vedolizumab as second-line biologic therapy after anti-TNF failure (EL4, EL2 adults) (95% agreement) (p269) |
Therapeutic guidelines on ulcerative colitis: a GRADE methodology- based effort of GETECCU, GETECCU, 201342 Gradinga |
Patients with UC | Mild-to-moderate flares: Oral salicylates**‡ and*††/or**‡ topical salicylates for milder flares (p483.e17-18, 25) Oral steroids**†† (p483.e19, 25) for moderate flares that are close to severe flares Severe: IV steroids**†† (p483.e8,13) |
Moderate: Azathioprine**†† (p. e29, 31) |
INDUCTION Moderate, steroid-resistant: Infliximab**‡ (p483.e23) Adalimumab*†† (p483.e24) Severe: Cyclosporine**†† (p483.e8,13) Infliximab**†† (p483.e10,13) MAINTENANCE Severe: Infliximab, for remission induced with infliximab*† (p483.e32) If steroid-refractory: Azathioprine or mercaptopurine, for remission induced with cyclosporine*† (p483.e34) |
INDUCTION Tacrolimus*† (p483.e9) |
Ulcerative colitis: management in adults, children, and young people, NICE and the UK Royal College of Physicians (2013)43 Gradingg |
Adults (18 years or older), children (11 years or younger), and young people (12 to 17 years) with UC | Acute severe: IV corticosteroids (p171) or IV cyclosporine (if IV corticosteroids not tolerated or contraindicated) (p171) |
For all extents of disease Azathioprine or oral mercaptopurine (p241) Oral aminosalicylates (if azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine not tolerated or contraindicated) (p241) |
INDUCTION Acute severe: Combination: IV cyclosporine and IV corticosteroids (p171-2) |
INDUCTION Acute severe: Infliximab (p172) |
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Medical Management of Nonhospitalized Ulcerative Colitis: The Toronto Consensus (2015)44 Gradingc |
Patients with UC | Oral corticosteroids**† (p1042) | Thiopurines, for oral corticosteroid-induced remission*† (p1044) Anti-TNF, when corticosteroid-dependent** (very low-quality evidence) (p 1046) |
INDUCTION Anti-TNF**‡ combined with thiopurine or methotrexate**†† (p1045) MAINTENANCE Anti-TNF for response to anti-TNF induction** (very low-quality evidence) (p1047) |
INDUCTION Vedolizumab** or alternative anti-TNF(very low-quality evidence) (p1048) Fourth-line Vedolizumab**†† (p1048) MAINTENANCE Vedolizumab for vedolizumab-induced remission**†† (p1049) |
ACG = American College of Gastroenterology; ASA = aminosalicylic acid; CD = Crohn disease; CE = cost-effectiveness; CS = corticosteroids; ECCO = European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation; EL = evidence level; ESPGHAN = European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition; GETECCU = the Spanish Group of Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn disease (Grupo Español de Trabajo en Enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa); IBD = inflammatory bowel disease; IV = intravenous; NCGC = National Clinical Guideline Centre; NICE = National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; RCT = randomized controlled trials; TNF = tumour necrosis factor; UC = ulcerative colitis.
* = conditional/weak recommendation; ** = strong recommendation; † = low level of evidence; †† = moderate level of evidence; ‡ = high level of evidence.
a GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation system): The level of evidence could range from “high” (implying that further research was unlikely to change the authors’ confidence in the estimate of the effect), “moderate” (further research would be likely to have an impact on the confidence in the estimate of effect), “low” (further research would be expected to have an important impact on the confidence in the estimate of the effect and would be likely to change the estimate), or “very low” (any estimate of effect is very uncertain).
b The strength of a recommendation was graded as “strong” when the desirable effects of an intervention clearly outweigh the undesirable effects and as “conditional” when there is uncertainty about the trade-offs.
c Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine 2011 Levels of Evidence, where EL1 and EL4 represent a high and low level of evidence, respectively.
d Adaptation of GRADE system.
e Author-defined: Level I = SRs/MAs of RCTs, II = based on ≥ 1 RCT, III = based on non-RCT, IVa = cohort study; IVb = case-control or cross-sectional study; V = case report or series; VI = expert opinion; Recommendation grading: A = strong recommendation ( high level of evidence), B = moderate recommendation (with certain level of evidence), C1 = recommendation to be done (without high level of evidence), C2 = recommendation not to be done (without a high level of evidence), D = recommendation not to be done (evidence indicates ineffective or harm).
f “The Assessment Committee and three external members evaluated the appropriateness of the statements of recommendation on a 1 to 9 scale (from 1 equalling ‘‘most inappropriate’’ to 9 equalling ‘‘most appropriate’’) according to the Delphi method. The final results after three Delphi rounds were reflected in the adoption of the statements of recommendation and the determination of the grades of recommendation.”
g Recommendations were not graded, but the evidence used to generate the recommendations were assessed via GRADE and ratings ranged from “very low” to “moderate” quality (for induction) and “very low” to “low” (for maintenance).
Implications for Decision-Making
Luminal Crohn Disease
A good amount of evidence was identified on treatment sequencing for LCD in adults. While disparities in trial design preclude making definite conclusions on early biologic treatment as a clear and well-defined approach, some trends can be observed. Studies generally showed that clinical improvement is faster with a top-down approach than with conventional therapy. Higher remission rates are achieved with early biologics at early time points (three to six months), while similar rates are ultimately achieved at later time points. A faster remission may reduce the risk of complications and surgeries as seen in the REACT trial14 and the cohort study reported by Rubin et al.20 When accounting for the higher cost of biologics, the afforded benefits of a top-down strategy were considered cost-effective compared with conventional step-up therapy according to a UK study.27 Most recent evidence-based guidelines now recommend anti-TNF (combined or not with immunomodulators) relatively early in the treatment course, generally following corticosteroids for moderate-to-severe CD, or upfront in fulminant or severe cases.
To further confirm the relative position of biologics in the treatment sequence of LCD, one may consider a review of the evidence featuring head-to-head comparisons between biologics and immunomodulator monotherapy. For example, studies such as the SONIC trial45 have shown superiority of infliximab over immunomodulators in corticosteroid-free remission and mucosal healing. Findings from this trial together with sequencing evidence are consistent with the notion that biologics are more effective than other therapies at promoting healing of the inflamed gut tissue, an outcome that was suggested to be a reliable predictor of sustained disease control.46
Clinical evidence regarding treatment sequencing in pediatric LCD is limited to observational studies. Five of the six included studies were conducted in Korea and included fewer than 100 patients. These studies found that early biologics were significantly more effective than conventional sequencing by at least one measure (e.g., remission rate, relapse rate, endoscopic score, disease score), but results were largely inconsistent across studies, which could be explained by differences in the types of drug interventions and populations under study. A larger prospective study (the RISK study, N = 552)23 conducted in Canada and the US found significantly higher remission rates with early anti-TNF compared with a conventional approach. The guidelines on pediatric CD identified in this report,36,38 both from European organizations and published in 2013-2014, did not recommend early biologic initiation.
In Canada, biologics are not approved for first-line use in LCD, prior to CS. To conform to regulatory indications, early biologic algorithms would have to incorporate a step involving the induction of remission with CS. On the other hand, Health Canada-approved indications for biologics do not require an inadequate response with both CS and immunomodulators prior to the prescription of a biologic for CD.47-50
While early biologic use in moderate-to-severe LCD may be considered cost-effective, a policy permitting this approach would lead to more frequent biologic use, increasing the burden on drug budgets. The policy’s net budget impact will depend on the number of CD patients who are managed with immunomodulators under the current model without ultimately requiring biologics, as these individuals would be offered biologics as the default option.
Fistulizing Crohn Disease
No trial on the sequencing of interventions for FCD was identified. While the REACT14 trial included patients with fistulae, these were not analyzed in a subgroup and no FCD-specific outcomes were reported. A subsequent review of the literature found a dearth of direct or indirect comparative evidence on FCD. A single, small, clinical trial found better outcomes with infliximab compared with conventional therapy using azathioprine. No evidence comparing biologics to antibiotics was identified. Consistent with this poor yield, recent systematic reviews with broad search parameters failed to identify comparative studies on FCD.51-54 Economic studies comparing infliximab to immunomodulators and antibiotics were dated and their findings were inconsistent. There was no evidence specifically on the pediatric population.
When taking stock of the scarcity of comparative evidence in the FCD literature, it should be noted that meta-analyses of placebo-controlled trials found no significant benefit from immunomodulators for the induction of fistula closure and no convincing evidence for the maintenance of fistula response.52,54 Biologics, however, were found to be effective for both aspects.55-57 These non-comparative data were outside the scope of the Canada's Drug Agency rapid review yet may have implications regarding the appropriateness of using immunomodulators for the management of FCD.
Evidence-based guidelines identified in this report recommend anti-TNF as a first-line option for FCD. In Canada, infliximab is the only biologic with a specific indication for the “treatment of fistulising Crohn’s disease, in adult patients who have not responded despite a full and adequate course of therapy with conventional treatment.”47 Nevertheless, other biologics (vedolizumab and adalimumab) are also reimbursed by Canadian drug plans for FCD patients of all ages, in addition to infliximab.58 In all cases, biologics are not currently approved for the first-line treatment of FCD in Canada.47-50
The proportion of FCD patients who are successfully managed with immunomodulators or antibiotics without needing biologics is unknown. Consequently, the budget impact of a potential expansion of the biologic reimbursement criteria is unclear but should be relatively small given the low prevalence of FCD.59
Ulcerative Colitis
Unlike for LCD, no trial on drug sequencing with the early use of biologics was identified for UC, indicating that this concept is not as widespread in UC. A review of studies comparing biologics with immunomodulators in the same population identified two medium-size RCTs. The article by Williams et al. (the CONSTRUCT study)29 reported no substantial difference between infliximab and cyclosporine regarding multiple outcomes. However, the study suffered from methodological limitations because of the absence of blinding in both patients and assessors, which may introduce bias. The relevance of these findings in the Canadian context is unclear given that cyclosporine is not recommended by a Canadian guideline on UC44.
The study reported by Panaccione et al. (UC-SUCCESS)30 was deemed of good quality and enrolled adult UC patients who were stabilized on, but had an inadequate response to, CS after three months — that is, CS-dependent patients. The authors found that infliximab (alone or combined with azathioprine) yielded better clinical outcomes than azathioprine monotherapy. Notably, mucosal healing was significantly better with infliximab. While these findings would lend support to changes in policy and practice toward the earlier use of biologics (without the requirement for a trial of azathioprine), they emanate from a single trial of moderate size. More evidence may be needed to confirm these findings. A review of non-randomized studies may help complement this evidence base. This literature should also include pediatric patients, which were excluded from both comparative studies. Finally, the cost-effectiveness of using biologics instead of (or in addition to) immunomodulators in steroid-dependent UC patients should be assessed.
Most evidence-based UC guidelines recommend anti-TNF agents in cases where induction of remission has failed with CS, in line with the findings from the UC-SUCCESS trial. Guidelines still generally recommend the use of immunomodulators for the maintenance of CS-induced remission. No evidence comparing biologics to immunomodulators in the maintenance phase of steroid-induced remission was identified in the Canada's Drug Agency review. According to Health Canada-approved product monographs, the use of biologics for UC is indicated after “inadequate response” to a conventional drug class (CS or immunomodulators) but not necessarily the failure of both.47-49,60
The potential budget impact of accelerating access to biologics in UC largely rests on the number of patients who are CS-dependent and who would have benefited from immunomodulators without requiring a switch to biologics to achieve CS-free remission.
Policy Options
Condition | Option | Considerations |
Adult LCD |
Evidence suggests faster remission with fewer complications. An economic study suggests top-down is cost-effective. |
Existing criteria is not aligned with guidelines. | |
Pediatric LCD |
There is weak, observational evidence to support early biologic sequence. Extrapolation of adult evidence may need validation. |
Adult FCD |
This is in line with guidelines but not with Health Canada-approved indications. Evidence suggests a low efficacy of immunomodulators. There is no evidence on antibiotics. |
Pediatric FCD |
No comparative evidence was identified in the pediatric population. There is no Health Canada-approved indication for FCD in the pediatric population. |
Adult UC |
A single trial suggests that azathioprine is inferior to infliximab (± azathioprine) for the induction of CS-free remission. |
A single trial suggests equal benefits from cyclosporine and infliximab. | |
Pediatric UC |
No comparative evidence was identified in the pediatric population. |
CS = corticosteroid; FCD = fistulizing Crohn disease; LCD = luminal Crohn disease; UC = ulcerative colitis.
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About this Document
Authors: Louis de Léséleuc, Danielle McGolrick
Cite as: Appropriate pharmacotherapy for inflammatory bowel disease. Ottawa: Canada's Drug Agency; 2019 Jun. Canada's Drug Agency Technology Review: Optimal Use 360 Report; no. 22).
Acknowledgments: Deba Hafizi, Dave Marchand, Wade Thompson, Calvin Young, Yi-Sheng Chao, Hannah Loshak, Charlene Argáez
ISSN: 2369-7385
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About Canada's Drug Agency: Canada's Drug Agency is an independent, not-for-profit organization responsible for providing Canada’s health care decision-makers with objective evidence to help make informed decisions about the optimal use of drugs, medical devices, diagnostics, and procedures in our health care system.
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